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Opinions of Thursday, 1 September 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC folks are kicking against sound electoral reforms

Charlotte Osei, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana Charlotte Osei, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana

By Rockson Adofo

I recently came across as intent by the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Mrs Charlotte Osei, to appoint lawyers and accountants to assist with collating election results at the district and regional levels.

This is her expressed view about courting the public confidence and trust in her about her ability to conduct a fair and free election 2016. It must be noted that until today, the greater majority of the public have lost trust in her. They see her as irremediably biased in favour of the NDC.

However, the NDC are kicking against this minimal good intention which may only be cosmetic to masking her real biased favourable leanings toward the NDC. The NDC are saying there are other more qualified and credible persons to do the collating at the centres than the suggested professionals by Charlotte Osei whom they believe to tilt more towards the cause of the NPP.

For all the numerously irresponsible policies implemented, and stubborn attitudes exhibited, by Charlotte, in her seeming attempts to cunningly tilt the balance of election 2016 in favour of the NDC, this one-off attempt by her to look a bit credible is being opposed by the NDC.

Why are the NDC always behaving roguishly, thinking Ghana is theirs and that they are the only ones born to rule and bestowed with the unquestionable prerogative to take Ghanaians for fools at all times?

When I read a recent publication on one Ofosu Ampofo’s decision to report to NDC, his party, to challenge the intention by Charlotte Osei to engage the services of the professionals to avoid or curtail the disgraceful irregularities of omissions and commissions, either intentional or otherwise, as seen on the pink sheets for election 2012, I laughed my head off at the usual utter display of machismo and ignorance, the traits of NDC, by Ofosu Ampofo.

Ofosu Ampofo still opines that the Electoral Commission has already more than enough qualified people in the persons of those who supervised the previous (2012) election, with all its obviously exposed fraudulent commissions, omissions and irregularities, to supervise the collation of the election results at the district and regional levels.

I get highly flabbergasted seeing the NDC always taxing the patience of discerning Ghanaians if not underrating our intelligence by their untoward lawless and reprehensible machismo manner full of insults and disrespect for the majority of Ghanaians.

Qualified, more knowledgeable and credible persons as it is the suggestion of the Chairlady of the Electoral Commission must be hired to do the collation to avoid the repeat of the shameful error-inundated entries made on the Pink sheets of election 2012.

Upon the entire thievery the few well-positioned within the NDC have visited on Ghanaians, Ofosu Ampofo and others of his ilk want to continue to rule Ghana through dodgy means. This will never happen no matter how far he cries foul for the majority of Ghanaians do not wash their faces upwards but downwards.

The wind of political change is blowing to wipe off NDC from the political arena of Ghana for a long time to come. If you agree with me say Amen and Amen. AMEN and AMEN!!!