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Opinions of Sunday, 18 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC goverment’s recruitment and awarding of contracts

President John Mahama President John Mahama

By Rockson Adofo

While in Ghana, I was approached by several people who alerted me to the secret dealings of the outgoing President Mahama/Arthur-Amissah NDC-led government. These dealings were the causes of why most NDC people became fanatics, lawless and outspoken in defence of whatever nonsense and corrupt practices that emanated from the government and the NDC party gurus.

Simply put, most people were on government payroll; drawing monthly salaries while in practice, and like the notorious Ghanaian swindler of the 21st Century, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, they were doing no work for the government or the community.

In Kumawu, I was told most of the people from the Kumawu Zongo are on the District Assembly’s payroll. They are paid monthly salaries but they DO NO work, and go there only at the end of the month to draw their salaries.

I am sure this deplorable attitude by President Mahama’s administration is not only limited to the Kumawu District but also, across the entire district assemblies in the country. This goes to explain why some people are diehard NDCs who were ready to die for their party.

Does this not go to explain why those of the northern extraction were all always voting massively for NDC and were, or are, continually vociferous in their defence of the NDC policies even when such policies are obviously damaging and nonsensical?

Back in year 2012 when I went to Ghana to campaign for Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP, this very malpractice was brought to my attention and I even questioned why only the Zongo elderly persons but not the Ashantis were on the District Council’s payroll?

On assumption of power by President Mahama, he ensured that most of the Zongo people or those of the northern extraction and other NDC guys were enrolled onto the District Councils’ payroll without them actually doing any work for the districts or the government. They were just idling about or sitting home but drawing monthly salaries.

The government of the incoming President Nana Akufo Addo should please investigate these malpractices. I have got the names of some of the people who had been on the public payroll drawing monthly salaries without working. I shall not hesitate to publish them but I will prefer to pass them on to the would-be independent public prosecutor when he/she assumes duty.

All those whose names are being rushed through for recruitment are the very people who had been drawing monthly pay without actually working. President Mahama and his party think they are smart. We shall outsmart them, they should wait and see. They want to cover up their tracks but we shall expose them big time.

I had while in Ghana advised many people to volunteer information that could lead to exposing the secret malpractices by the NDC government. I told them without their help, the administration of Nana Akufo Addo may encounter some problems in executing all the manifesto promises made.

It is when we make information leading to arresting such economic saboteurs and criminals available to the authority that the government can get enough money to carry out vital developments that will alleviate Ghanaians of their economic hardships.

One Akosua Nyarko who was in charge of the Kumawu Anglican Primary School’s School Feeding Programme has since Monday 12 December 2016, not been cooking for the pupils. From reliable information reaching me, as soon as Nana Akufo Addo was declared the President-elect of Ghana on 9 December 2016, Akosua Nyarko went and removed all the food items meant for feeding the pupils from storage to where only God knows.

I have also been made aware of similar ongoing malpractices by the NDC people in Effiduase in the Ashanti region. I shall discuss them in my future publications and talk about how some people have overly but illegally, enriched themselves selling the supposedly free mass cocoa spraying products and pocketing the money. They were or are all NDC activists.

Could the drawing of free salaries without shedding any sweat not explain why the Kumawu Zongo yobs are beating the NPP supporters as explained in my previous publication? They are scared their parents will soon forfeit the salary freebies they have been enjoying until now.

More revelations will follow. President “Incorruptible” Nana Akufo Addo and his NPP government can only succeed when we volunteer information that will enable them plug the loose financial holes and then prosecute the perpetrators of such malpractices.

Finally, most of the NDC people awarded contracts did not do them at all but collected full payments. The driver of a taxi I took from Effiduase Ashanti to Ejisu when in Ghana mentioned a name of a rich man who doubles as an NDC guy and a contractor. He collected full payment for erecting a wall around a school which he did not actually do. As soon as Nana Akufo Addo was elected, he immediately arranged excavators/diggers and about thousand bags of cement to begin to build the wall, the taxi driver said.

The award of the contracts to NDC people and contractors at their usual inflated cost/price may be abrogated when thoroughly scrutinized later by the incoming government. When that happens, the affected persons and contractors may turn against the NPP government. They will start to accuse the government of their usual, but stupid and easy to make witch hunting excuses on the grounds of being NDC people.

These plans and tricks to discredit the government of President Nana Akufo Addo will not stick. They should know that their rush actions to recruit and to award contracts are totally preposterous.