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Opinions of Friday, 5 November 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC is a Party of Comic Relief

Like the late Comical Ali of Iraq, the NDC as a political party is full of comic
reliefs. The failure of their expectation to coerce Ghanaians into singing their
praises and kowtowing to them has turned into anger, frustration and hatred. They
are quick to politicise issues by playing the blame game/cards. If the underlying
issues are not comical then I don't know what else is.

To start with, President Mills is being manipulated by his NDC fanatics to do
whatever it takes to boost up his popularity. A pupil had wrongly answered that Nana
Akuffo-Addo is the President of Ghana instead of Atta Mills who really is. In order
to rectify this anomaly, the NDC gurus, activists and sympathisers with the probable
tacit support of President Mills have decided to: 1) Post President Mills' portrait
in every classroom throughout Ghana. 2) They have decided to distribute cups bearing
President Mills' photo to every pupil and student of Ghana. These sadistic
initiatives are to the NDC the way forward to telling Ghanaians that it is rather
Atta Mills but not Nana Akuffo-Addo who is the President of Ghana and the Commander
-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed forces. It beggars belief that in the midst of economic
suffering to Ghanaians, some people have found time and comfort to advocate for such
superficies of politics. The President wants to command
respect and acknowledgment but one thing he has forgotten is, it is said, "respect
is earned but not commanded"

May I suggest that President Mills orders for the reprinting of Ghana's currency to
bear his images? Money has a wider circulation and people will get to know him much
quicker and better than by the cups to school children and his pictures displayed on
school walls. He can have his image on every currency note and coin as does Queen
Elizabeth of England.

Mrs. Konadu Agyemang Rawlings is openly doing all that it takes to unseat President
Mills as the leader and Presidential candidate of NDC come their Congress in late
2011. It is only a fool who may claim unawareness of the Lady Konadu's intentions
and ploys. A new political party was formed in Brong-Ahafo by her fans and those NDC
guys disenchanted of President Mills' administration that they claim to have lost
its socio-politico-economic bearing. Mrs. Rawlings who is a coward but loud-mouthed
denied any knowledge of, or, association with the new party after a small heckle
from the NDC apparatchik. She has what looks like her campaign posters being put up
in public places throughout the big cities under the cover of darkness. When
questioned, she once again denied any involvement with the posters. This is a sign
of utter cowardice.

One Amina Mohammed goes on air to recount her worst nightmare of attempted armed
robbery and mass rape of which she was a principal witness. Her story could be true
with a bit of exaggeration or it could be completely true or utterly false. But to
these NDC comical activists, sympathisers and gurus, in each of the stated
instances, NPP are behind as architects. The NPP formed the new party and accused
Mrs. Konadu of being behind its formation. The NPP spent money, printed Mrs.
Rawlings' posters, hired nocturnal beings and tasked them to put the posters up.
What will the NPP gain from doing that? The NPP paid Amina Mohammed to come out with
such a big lie that will tarnish the reputation of the NDC and President Mills. The
NPP asked that pupil to say that Nana Akuffo-Addo is the President of Ghana. These
are the nonsense that the NDC are peddling. Give the dog a bad name...... Every
problem they encounter as bad administrators as they are, they blame it
on NPP. If this is not the behaviour of comical entities then I don't know what
else is.

We can never get what we deserve as law-abiding citizens from the NDC. Can we? They
have earned a bad name and it is very difficult to lose it. They love wallowing in
lawlessness and stupidity same as does the pig that wallows in its own shit. The
unreasonableness and shallow-mindedness of most NDC guys know no boundary. Keep on
blaming your ills, inefficiencies and acts of lawlessness on NPP until Mrs. Konadu
Rawlings takes President Mills by surprise. The NDC are themselves their own
distractors. "Bitches are aggressive, assertive, domineering, overbearing…"

Rockson Adofo