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Opinions of Thursday, 30 July 2020

Columnist: Bright Barwuah

NDC is a threat to Ghana’s security

File photo: The NDC logo File photo: The NDC logo

Is becoming a norm in Ghana for NDC and their surrogates to speak and threaten our noble security. It started on the 3rd March 2018, when Sammy Gyamfi publicly threatened the Police Service, “A Service with Integrity” on Peace FM political discussion show.

He as a member of the NDC communication team member chided the Police Service and boldly mentioned chief Supt. Kwesi Ofori. He said ’he should remove his Police Uniform and hide it under his bed, should the NDC regain power”. He continued by saying Chief Supt. Kwesi Ofori is NPP Police Officer.

This happened after Koku Anyidoho was arrested and NDC charged crowd who had assembled at the Police CID Headquarters to empathize with their then Deputy General Security was fired with rubber bullets when they were fomenting trouble at the CID Headquarters.

Sam George who is the NDC member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram on the 13th July threatened some Police and Military Officers in a viral video. He threatened to deal with them when his party comes to power. If a whole law maker is threatening the security and nobody seems to care, then where are we going as a Nation.

On the 24th july,2020 the Opposition NDC held a press conference and threatened the security. It was by their Director of Election, Afriyie Ankra, a former Sports Minister. He said, “We further wish to sound a note of caution to some State Security Officials who have lent themselves as willing and pliant agents of violence against political opponents and innocent Ghanaians, against their criminal acts. We wish to remind them that power emanates from the people, hence whatever power they exercise must be done in the supreme interest of the Ghanaian people”.

Their communication Director, Sammy Gyamfi, came in with his threats. He stated that the security is in bed with the ruling Government. He also said the NDC will see to the purging of the security service. Sammy Gyanfi accused the Security of intimidating their supporters(NDC).

He stated emphatically that “We are telling them, all the security Agencies, they are making the Security Services term conterminous with that of President Akuffo-Addo. The day Akuffo-Addo will exit the office will be the last day they will serve as policemen and military men and we will deal with them mercilessly.

I cannot understand how a political party who had been in power before will speak loosely and unmeasured. We are not in a jungle state and must not condone this useless attitude by an opposition party which is seeking the mandate of the people.

Ghanaians are waiting for their policies to peruse and choose which party to vote for and not these threats on the Security. The last thing Ghanaians will wish bad for is their Security to be politicized. The NDC not too long nominated their Vice Presidential candidate whom they should market together with their Presidential Candidate. Ghanaians need PEACE and not WAR after many years of hardship and weeping.

The Bible warns us on how to speak. Proverbs 29:20 says, “Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them”, Isaiah 32:6 says “For fools speak foolishness and make evil plans”, and again, Proverbs 14:3 says “Proud fools talk too much, the words of the wise protect them”.

NDC should be responsible opposition and do the needful, and the Civil Society Organizations, Peace Council, Christian Council, Muslim Council and meaningful Ghanaians must condemn these loose talks from the Political Parties who think the Country belongs to them.

God bless Ghana