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Opinions of Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

NDC is not worthy of Attah Mills

The NDC since it's inception is known to be a radical party. You don't have to walk on water to know this fact. Just a little bit of sagacity will suffice. Their so called founder overtly promotes it. To be recalled, he warned the nation prior to the last election of a replica of Kenyan riots should the NPP win which drew a swift responds from the NPP firebrand ( The Hon. Ken Agyapong). He responded by saying Rawlings will be the first to go down should that happen. Gradually its becoming conspicuous to the owner of the NDC that his foolish councils to Mills is perceived as a used toilet paper by the administration. So what is Rawlings the menace to do?

For the past year the owner of the NDC continues to take the biting front of Atta Mills mouth simply because he is not as radical a president as he was. Folks, when I hear the rants of this protocol deficient statesman who expects Mills to do in 1 yr what he as a dictator couldn't do in 19 yrs, I wonder why Mills can't stand up to this disposable politician. The other day, Chiefs, parliamentarians and other dignitaries from the north paid a sympathy visit as a result of the fire at his residence and he took the occasion to criticize Mills. That in my estimation gives credence to the article; WHY I SUSPECT RAWLINGS DID IT. If not, can somebody point out the parallels between the sympathy visit (which had a Monetary gift attached to it) and Mills inability to perform. The WHYS of the arson may be unbeknownst to us, but this human ruse remains suspect numero uno on my list. With his continuous pillaging of the structures that holds Mills presidency, the question becomes does Mills belong to this radical sect?

A couple of days ago, surfing the net I saw the clip of the National Day Of Prayer held at the Independence Square. And as I sat agglutinated to the computer seeing the President of Ghana with his hands at his back, in a soft spoken tone borne out of respect for the nation and an exhibition of a reverential fear of God, I asked my self why Attah Mills, why. It is a disconnect for a God fearing intellectual who values and respect human life to allow him or herself to be pillaged by the owner of the NDC who's duplicities seems immune to shame. Mr President, the stigma associated with the NDC as the result of the hubris attitude and evil deeds of the owner is tainting your image. A party that props you up to success only to buffet you with shame and disgrace is not worth having the likes of you to be their flag bearer.

Mr President my patience is waxing cold. I would rather have you be a 1 term President than a 2 term president who lacked the guts to put sense in a man who lacks common sense. Just as dogs will be dogs, and just as you can't change the skin of a leopard, so will Rawlings the menace be a menace to humanity and a pain in your somewhere. You are a man of integrity and although you are not a fan, the fact that you fear God makes me an apologist of your Presidency. Like they say, a word to the wise is enough.

Kwadwo Poku N Y.