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Opinions of Monday, 31 March 2014

Columnist: Andoh, Isaac Kyei

NDC is on course to doing a hattrick in Greater Accra

Stats don’t lie- .

It has come to me as a huge surprise the recent attacks and accusations being directed at the current Greater Accra Regional Executives of the NDC particularly Mr. Ade Coker despite proving beyond reasonable doubt that they have all it takes to win the seat a historic third time on the roll.
Instead of joining the debate or reacting to what I think is unfair about some of the accusations that are being directed at the partyleader, notably Mr. Ade Coker, I will rather look at what the statistics say and the circumstance at the time as the basis for my argument.

It is true that there has not been a single election where the winning party did so without winning the capital city and the cosmopolitan nature of the region clearly indicates that this is going to continue to be the trend until God knows when.

It must however be noted that apart from Mahama’s NDC that improved on the result in the Region whilst in power, every government in power has lost some grounds in the capital city.
In 1992 for instance, President Jerry John Rawllings won 270,825 of total votes cast representing 53.4% of the total votes casted in the Region but 658,626 representing 50% of the total votes casted in 1996.
The NDC’s influence in the Region reduced by 0.4% despite the NPP getting extremely weakened by their decision to boycott Parliament from 1992 to 1996.
The NPP, under the leadership of His President Kuffour won 616729 of total valid votes representing 60.4% in 2000. He however lost grounds in the 2004 elections; winning 900159 representing 51.7% of total votes cast. The NPP lost about 9% in just four years.
NDC 2 under this regional executives, Led by Mr. Ade Coker defied all odds and improved on the result of 870,011 representing 52.11% 2008 and moved up in the 2012 election with 1,125,751, representing 0.31% This represents an improvement of 0.20%
It is no mean feat for a government in power to improve on result in the National Capital and it comes as no surprise this is the first of its kind its in the fourth republic.
The result is more remarkable when you look at the event leading to the 2012 elections.
Every serious politicians know that changing the face of candidate within three month to elections is the kind of situation every serious political party would want to avoid.
But NDC two were left with no choice when death laid it’s icy hand on the then President, Evans Atta Mills (May His Soul Rest In Peace)
Without delay, Mahama was made to take over
Billboards, handbills, t-shirts had to be changed, a new image had to be shown, a new name had to be mention, a new approach had to be adopted all in the space of three months.
Aside this, there was the issue of the Rawlingses (founders of the party) being at odds with the leadership of the time that eventually resulted in the former first lady officially resigning from the party to join forces with National democratic Party (rumored to be her own brain child)
Defying all odds and Winning the 2012 elections was a political master class pulled by the NDC aand the standout is actually improving on the 2008 results in the Greater Accra Region.
It must however be noted that this could not have been achieved without the current Greater Accra Regional executives of the party.
The reason every party that has won Greater Accra goes ahead to win the National election is quite simple.
The very influential members of most families across the country are in the capital city and their say or who they sometimes tell their friends and relatives to vote for benefits greatly across the length and breadth of this nation.
I personally know a few people here, whose relatives call them during election to enquire on who to vote for.
This sums up why; Cosmopolitan Accra is actually the decider.
The cosmopolitan nature of Accra means that the tribe of the leadership of the party at the Regional level is not necessary so the lineage or tribe of Party Executives matters less.
The key thing needed in whoever leads a political party in Accra is competence and a kind of track record and accomplishments that make them appealing to a highly sophisticated and unpredictable voters who place issues above sentimentalism unlike most of the other regions.
The NDC should therefore be glad to have a material like Mr. Ade Coker at the helm of affairs and the results confirms that he is the best man for the job.
He is by a mile the most influential Regional party chairman in Ghana, has a nationwide recognition and a name that has been on the minds of every football and political enthusiast- Ade Coker.
The political trend and shape the NDC is taking in the over the past eight years is a clear sign that the NDC is developing in all facets under this Administration- led by Mr. Ade Coker.
Aside that, he has proven his worth and exceeded expectations by winning the Greater Accra Region two consecutive times. He can be credited for the serenity and peace at the party’s front in the regional level a perfect platform for the hattrick to be built on.
The NPP have re-elected Ishmael Ashitey, one the very person Ade Coker defeated in 2012 and I see no reason why NDC would rather opt to change the one with the winning formula.
It is however encouraging that despite the successes of Ade Coker’s led regional executives, there are still people within the party vying for their position because in their own views, they have what it takes to move the party to even new heights region.
It is however disheartening the kind of strategies put in place to ensure they win the seat- especially the Greater Accra chairmanship position of the party.
I have personally read countless news articles laying lame accusation towards the hugely successful party chairman.
Obviously, the party over the past eight years under his leadership has been so successful that is near impossible for his opponents in the race for the chairmanship position to adopt a strategy good enough to convince delegates that they can do better than Ade Coker has – hence the below-the-belt approach.
It must however be noted that the NDC has come of age, the delegates are more discerning than ever and therefore, the yesterday’s approach to winning that did not really matter if toes are stepped on, if harmony was broken is long gone
NDC cannot win without a clean house anymore.
It is therefore important for party faithfuls, especially delegates to look at the conduct of all the aspirants because the region can only be won for the third straight times if Ade Coker wins or he helps whoever may take the seat to achieve this.
The current approach by the other contestants means they are not likely to have a united front should they win due to the divisive approach they have adopted.
Those attacking the current crop of leaders in the region are depriving themselves of the opportunity to have the support of the current leaders should any of them win due to the negative strategies they have adopted.
Greater Accra is too crucial to be taken for granted. It is therefore in the interest of the leaders of the party to call all those resorting to negative tactics to order before it too late.
The 2016 elections is too crucial for minds that does not know and understand the need for cordiality.

Isaac Kyei Andoh