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Opinions of Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

NDC is still the party of Woyome

Alfred Agbesi Woyome Alfred Agbesi Woyome

If he had any sense of shame, Kwadwo Twum-Boafo would long have gone into hiding, rather than pretending to be flatulating contritely about him having concocted some lies about the now-President Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, almost as if anybody really cared.

I have yet to read about any of those lies; but don’t count on it, dear reader, for there are far many better things to think about and do than worry about what a veritable political parasite like the former Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Free Zones Board has to say about Nana Akufo-Addo who, by the way, is himself far too busy to worry or care about the confession of any of his failed detractors.

As we all know, this loudmouthed butterball was hired and given a fat paycheck to drum in investments for the country. Instead, we hear him bitching about the GHC3.6 million metro-bus branding having cost the National Democratic Congress Election 2016. That is how petty-minded these political scam-artists are.

A couple of years ago, one of my old friends and classmates, let’s call him Federico – I don’t have permission to use his real name – from our Akuapem-Akropong SALEM days, emailed to find out whether yours truly was the same bloke he had known from the early 1970s. I had lanced into the running sore mouth of his boss. Federico had just toured Dubai or UAE with this big fart of a CEO and wanted me to know, though he seemed a bit jittery to let more on to me.

My old friend is a techie and was quick to point out that his much younger boss was only a transient political appointee who would be shortly blown away by the next political wind of change.

You know these bloated party-machine operatives are ardent Nkrumacrats by the primitive manner in which they think about development; everything, except the development of these human beings who are supposed to take advantage of the government’s infrastructural projects.

“You can’t tell me that roads, hospitals, schools, water treatment plants to resolving our myriad problems with power generation wasn’t [sic] important. It was important,” Mr. Twum-Boafo was reported to have recently told the host of an Accra-based television talking-heads program.

For people who thought Cash-and-Carry healthcare policy was the best thing that ever happened to the average Ghanaian citizen, you begin to wonder whether the construction of these hospitals was not meant to take care of dogs and cats. Which is where they would have been far better off to have advised then-President John Dramani Mahama to focus the bulk of his campaign commercials and ads.

Of course, road construction is very important, especially if you were one of those so-called Presidential Staffers with full-access to those V-8 Toyota Land Cruisers and BMWs and Ford Expedition SUVs and did not have to pay for fuel to tool them around the alleyways and byways of our nation’s capital, picking up hookers by the dozens to spend the night away from home with. I understand these Presidential Staffers were actually paid hooker allowances.

That was how flesh-pot heavenly these big-time political leeches lived. More than high on the hog. I also don’t know how anybody with a viable cognitive cap on top of his noggins can expect a government that spends three-and-half years, out of a four-year tenure, resolving the Dumsor crisis to be loved, much less massively voted for and be retained for another four years.

The last time that anybody checked, not even 10-percent of the number of schools promised by President Promises had been constructed. The NDC government had done far better with the distribution of tampons or sanitary pads than it had done with the distribution of water-treatment plants.

Yes, tampon distribution is the key NDC operatives’ concept of infrastructural development. But maybe somebody needs to remind them of Alfred Agbesi Woyome’s GHC51 million question before some charlatan begins complaining about Akufo-Addo’s 110-member cabinet being poised to swallow GHC20 million in salaries alone annually. I mean, we are not even talking about one-half Woyome here.

*Visit my blog at: Ghanaffairs