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Opinions of Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Columnist: Ali, Prince Justice

NDC must duly recognize Mr Kwame Sangari

The entire leadership of Young Democrats wish to express our displeasure regarding the manner in which the national executives of our dear Party NDC seem to have forgotten one of our key members: MR KWAME SANGARI.

To be re-born from opposition into ruling, NDC pivoted around such personalities who led us to victory in 2008. Still fresh and very fresh in our memories, Mr. Kwame Sangari was the campaign manager for late President Prof. Atta Mills in 2008 and certainly orchestrated some of the strategies that saw us back to power.

Having rising to the status of the national campaign manager, MR SANGARI’S standing and achievements for the party are facts beyond recording on ordinary pieces of paper. The good news is that the active youth and the elderly within the Party still have fresh memories of some the key things he did. We simply can’t single out one and mention it.

But how comes the current National Executives seems to have forgotten him? This unanswered question is the bitterness of the Young Democrats, who want the Party’s leadership to do something NOW.
Direct evidence of Mr SANGARI’s open, transparent and accountable leaderships comes from his name not being peddled in the airways for any corrupt practice then and up to-date. At his age, the former campaign manager probably has no need for the pleasantries being enjoyed by the current leadership and the other party members, but at least a periodic visit to him by a high-ranking member shows the sense of oneness. The Young Democrats will pursue this course to see that the Party duly acknowledges him.
The other question being asked by the Young Democrats is whether the national executives are fully aware of the ‘current state’ of the campaign manager who brought the party to power for good. For good because, we are hoping to hang on beyond 2020 now that 2016 seems a done deal—all courtesy of the good seed laid by MR SANGARI in the 2008 Electioneering Campaign.
We appeal to MR PORTOPHY and his team members to act now. Any delay only harms the Party the more. The rich experience of the man makes him a good off-stage consultant for the election ahead if we want to win it even more convincingly.
The Young Democrats eagerly awaits a response from the national executives and any other quarters within the Party regarding how Mr SANGARI is being fully re-integrated into the Party he worked dearly for and loved dearly. If we may ask the national Chairman Mr. Portophy where did you train the TAIN polling station agents? Was it not in Kwame Sangari Residence?

By: Mr. Prince Justice Ali: Communications Director of Young Democrats; 0204803328
Mr. Adolf Brew aka Righteous NDC Whatsapp Group National Organiser; 0244812278