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Opinions of Thursday, 9 February 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC really take Ghanaians for Fools!

In my upbringing as a child, my parents taught me how to learn to tolerate the fools. I have since my infancy been tolerating all manners of fools but the super-colossally folly of the NDC as in exhibition in relation to the Woyomegate scandal is doing my head in. My patience is wearing thin by the day. I can no longer stand most of the NDC for displaying utter ignorance, absolute stupidity, and complete disregard for the welfare of Ghanaians but their party and their selfish opportunist top brass. Their avid of power with the concomitant lying in defence of their leaders even when they have been caught committing gargantuan crimes as in the case of Woyomegate saga, really disgusts me.

One will rather expect the entirety of the NDC to come out en masse to accept that what Woyome in collusion with some of their members did was wrong than to flung their weight in support and in defence of them. What do they take Ghanaians for? Do they think all Ghanaians are without discernment as they are? Look at that toady Koku Anyidohu. He shamelessly comes out to inform Ghanaians that President Mills' integrity has shot up in the wake of the Woyomegate scandal and the subsequent actions taken by the President. With such irresponsible personalities without intellect abundantly in President Mills' government, no wonder the President is doomed to fail. How has the President's integrity gone up? President Mills' integrity and credibility have rather nose-dived. The fact that he denied any knowledge about the fraudulent payment of GHC58 Million to Woyome when initially confronted with the issue, whereas he had initiated actions before and during the payment robs him totally of any credibility he had. Revelations at the EOCO inquiries as ascertained by the correspondences between the Finance Minister and Betty Mould-Iddrisu in which Dr. Duffour copied the Office of the President, confirm his advance knowledge of the incident. Does such a conniving liar have any integrity?

Anyway, it is said, "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" In NDC where most of them are rogues, liars, and are desirous to commit huge crimes with impunity, the hypocrite "Asomdwehene" President without authority is highly honest. The President for unexplained reasons sits agape whilst his JSS/SSS scoundrels usurp his Executive powers. I am very ashamed to have him as the President of Ghana hence calling for his impeachment in the wake of the Woyome scandal.

He sat nonchalantly on his arse when Carl Wilson was stealing cars from innocent Ghanaians to share among the NDC gurus. He could be a good professor but as a leader of a nation, he is null. May I pause to ask if these NDC guys have cast a spell on him for him to remain so inactive to permit them plunder Ghana, left, right, and centre forward?

The NDC think their bizarre and infantile propaganda spearheaded by the ignoramuses at the Castle will wash with Ghanaians. Koku Anyidohu keeps bashing the NPP presidential aspirant, Nana Dankwa Akuffo-Addo for no apparent reason. They come up with all sorts of crap in attempt to tempt Nana to stoop to their folly but Nana always lives above their trickery. To Nana, I quote in derision of Koku Anyidohu and his ilk, "Whenever someone's significance is diminished by your presence, they become enemy"

President Mills had better learn from the US entrepreneur Seth Godin who says, "If you hesitate when leaping from rope to another, you're not going to last very long" He has to be fair but firm with his government appointees who are letting him down by every tick of the clock. He must sack and or investigate all his government appointees who came out supporting Alfred Agbesi Woyome. They are Alex Segbefia, Ebo Barton-Oduro, Akyena Brentuo and others.

How sensible are the NDC when most of them with Agyenim Boateng inclusive, call for the arrest of former Finance Minister Osafo Maafo in relation to the Woyome saga? Was he the one who directed Woyome to falsify documents, and then put in a claim for that massive judgment debt payment? Was he the one who ordered Betty Mould-Iddrisu to declare that there was no ground to contest Woyome in court over his dubious claim on Ghana? Why did the NDC government not contact relevant members of the Kuffour's regime to clear any doubt about the claim for judgment debt payment by Woyome before it was effected? The NDC had interest in Woyome's claim hence paid him the money without due diligence. Co-incidentally, Woyome is the NDC party's major financer. Ghanaians are not as stupid as the NDC think we are. Surely, Woyome will name all the big guys behind the Woyomegte scandal sooner.

Finally, I should be angry but I won't, as "Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind". I would rather want my mind to work faster.

I shall be back so stay tuned. President Mills' fortunes for election 2012 have reached their lowest ebb. I will always call for his impeachment, a failure as he is.

Rockson Adofo