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Opinions of Friday, 16 October 2015

Columnist: Tufuor, Kwadwo

NDC's Internal Squabbles and the Road to Defeat 2016

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) as a Party has had to deal with a myriad of internal challenges with no hope of respite in sight.
Here are a few of them:
1. Goosie Tannoh and the National Reform Party (NRP).
"It was founded in 1999 by a splinter group from the National Democratic Congress (NDC)."
2. Dr. Obed Asamoah and the Democratic Freedom Party (DFP).
"The formation of the Democratic Freedom Party was announced in February, 2006 by Dr. Obed Asamoah, former chairman of the National Democratic Congress.This follows a split between a Rawlings faction and an Asamoah faction within the NDC." (Source: Wikipedia)
3. Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings and the National Democratic Party (NDP).
"The NDP was announced on 6 July 2012 by its Interim General Secretary, Dr Manboah Rockson, and was said to be born of dissatisfaction with the NDC, which had often been personified by the Rawlingses and their supporters." (Source: Wikipedia)
4. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and Kofi Adams.
"Asiedu Nketia has lost respect in NDC - Kofi Adams"
Aspiring National Organizer of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) says the party's General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketia has lost respect in the NDC.
Kofi Adams stated that the party's scribe who hitherto was seen as a rallying point in the party has lost "a lot of respect from many people in the NDC" after threatening to leave the party if his preferred candidates are not retained in office."
(Source: 11 December, 2014.
5. Kofi Adams and Woyome
Kofi Adams is Togolese
"Regarding Kofi Adams, Mr. Woyome mentioned that his real name is Kofi Adamu and that 'Adamu' was the original name given him (Kofi Adams). He explained that Kofi Adams is part of the first generation of Kotokoli immigrants who came to settle in Kadjebi in the Volta Region from Togo."
"Source:" 21 June, 2011
6. JJ Rawlings and Late President Atta Mills' family.
"Rawlings Not Wanted At Atta Mills' 3rd Anniversary Events - Cadman Mills"
7. "Pressure group Movement for Joint Action (MJA) has condemned recent scuffle that ensued at the residency of the Eastern Regional Minister between supporters of the NDC and the DCE for Atiwa during a meeting." ( Politics of Saturday, 1 August 2015) 8. NDC Youth Lock Up Party Office at Tarkwa Nsuaem Constituency in the Western Region (Source: Adom News 5 August, 2015)
9. All NDC Constituency offices in the Eastern Region shut down.
10. Irate NDC youth vandalize party office in Damango
(Source: General News of Wednesday, 2 September 2015)
11. Amenfi East NDC youth lock up party office
(Source: General News of Friday, 4 September 2015)
12. "If We Were In Revolution Days, A "Thief" Like Aseidu Nketiah Would Have Been Shot Dead" George Boateng.
(Source: Chris Joe Quaicoe/ email:[email protected] 4 September, 2015).
13. Irate Youth shut down Tema West NDC Office
(Source: General News of Wednesday, 9 September 2015)
The most unfortunate part of the partial list above is that the party is campaigning on a non-existent unity. In fact President Mahama says "the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is the most united political party in Ghana".
(Source: General News of Tuesday, 8 September 2015).
The National Democratic Congress (NDC) believes it can win Election 2016 "one touch" based on their "numerous infrastructural development projects". The leadership has forgotten that infrastructural development has been relegated to the background in Ghanaian politics because of the magnitude of the suffering of the people. Lies from the government on the number of road construction projects and the number of schools being built don't mean anything to the electorate of today. There hasn't been any improvement in the living standards of the people, the economy is on a downward trend, prices of all items on the market keep rising, the gap between the rich and the poor keeps increasing, government performance is rated low, and the majority of the people believe Ghana is moving in the wrong direction. And all of this is happening as millions of oil dollars keep flowing in. (See "Ghana oil proceeds hit US$3 billion" General News of Wednesday, 2 September 2015 Source: Business Day).
Ghanaians aren't stupid, that's for sure. We know the difference between government propaganda and the reality on the ground.
Ghanaians by nature and training do not want to rely on the government for the well-being of our families. We are proud enough to say that we are responsible people who do not rely on the government for improvement in our lives.
We, however, expect the government of the day to judiciously use our tax money and foreign exchange earnings to create the favorable economic conditions which promote viable business ventures which in turn bring improvement in our lives.
That is not what we are witnessing in this "yentiee obiara" government of the NDC. Businesses are closing down and laying employees off daily and yet the NDC appointees keep telling Ghanaians more and more about the "Better Ghana Agenda" fairy tale.
Bear in mind that infrastructural development is seen as belonging to "aban". The people vote based on personal improvement in their living standards, not on infrastructural development. That is why vote-buying during elections is effective even though the cash and the gifts result in short term improvements in the living standards of the people.
Election 2016 is just over a year away. Ghanaians aren't stupid. We will vote out the incompetent NDC government because "yentie obiara" apart from the NPP and Nana Akufo Addo/Bawumia.

Kwadwo Tufuor is a member of the US National Communication Association Honor Society and the International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC).