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Opinions of Thursday, 2 May 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC sensing Defeat in the Supreme Court case

.. are now citing Case Law

I had decided not to write anything further about the Supreme Court hearing on the electoral violations that occurred in Election 2012 but to leave it to the Court to decide. However, for the unfortunate views expressed by the General Secretary of the People's National Convention, (PNC), Bernard Mornah, I am obliged to resurface.

Mr Mornah, following his success at overturning certain clauses in the Constitutional Instrument (CI 71), thinks he can go a step further to determine and declare the final outcome of the petition filed by Nana Akufo Addo and Co with impunity. He has authoritatively stated, citing the outcomes of similar electoral violations occurred overseas as precedents to rubbish the petition filed in the Supreme Court by Nana Akufo Addo and Co. He opines the petition is as useless as it is bound to come to naught.

He has won a writ he filed in the Supreme Court to have the court declare that it is illegal for courts to sit on weekends and public holidays. In the same suit he had the Supreme Court reverse a Constitutional Instrument that made it impossible for Supreme Court judgments on presidential suits to be reviewed. The Court sitting by five Supreme Court judges has ruled that it is illegal not for Supreme Court decisions on presidential elections to be subject to appeal and review.

Having won the challenges so mounted as indicated above, probably prompted by inside collusive knowledge, he now feels too big to push his luck further by declaring the ultimate outcome of the ongoing electoral fraud case based on Case Law; citations of precedents elsewhere in the world.

Let me state to Mr. Mornah and his like-minded little minds like Mahama Ayariga of the infamy "Ayaricough" that Ghana is going to set her own precedent for herself and for those who may want to copy us. As per GOD's revelation, Nana Akufo Addo will emerge victorious from the ongoing Election 2012 presidential suit regardless of any underhand activities by the enemies of true democracy, justice and peace.

I have instances to quote from outside Ghana where Presidents or governors have been removed from power following electoral irregularities and subsequent legal challenges mounted against them. But why should I worry myself trying to disprove the little-mindedness by Mr Mornah and his cohorts? By so doing they will feel placated in a way.

Does he think they can steal the country's money, waste the country's money on elections, lose the election but rig it and still hope to remain in power? Who would not do this if that was the Constitutional norm? If they rigged the election hoping to get away with impunity, I promise that they are in deep trouble this time around. The Court cannot pronounce any judgment other than the truth. The whole world is watching and every individual is making their own judgments following from the Court hearing processes.

GOD has resolutely determined to stop the official corruption by African leaders and their abuse of incumbency hence, the ongoing challenge mounted by Nana Akufo Addo, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey to ensure justice to Ghanaians in Election 2012.

Ghanaians all over Ghana are calmly watching the court proceedings live on TV, Computer and listening to the live radio broadcasts. If it was for the purpose of defrauding Ghanaians of justice that Kwesi Pratt and his colleague-crooks have lately mounted a campaign against the live telecast of the court proceedings, then they have failed.

Even on the American example as cited by Mornah, where George W. Bush rigged the election (Bush vs. Al Gore), Michael Parenti writes in his book entitled, "The Stolen Presidential Elections" the following: "Then a five-to-four conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court in a logically tortured decision ruled that a complete recount in Florida would be a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause because different counties have different ways of counting the votes"

Please read Mr. Mornah's pronouncements as published on Ghanaweb General News of Wednesday, 1 May 2013 under the title, "Akufo-Addo's petition will amount to nothing - Mornah"

Rockson Adofo