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Opinions of Monday, 15 October 2012

Columnist: Damptey, Daniel Danquah

NDC should stop its nefarious vicious propaganda.

Akufo Addo’s Free, Qualitative Senior High School Education is Feasible. What at all are the discordant tunes emanating from the stables of the Nefarious Destructive Cancer? Yes, empty barrels make a hell lot of cacophonous noise. Since when have political parties come out with how they intend to prosecute their campaign promises? Tell me if there have been any.

Go through all the manifestoes of various political parties since the inception of the Fourth Republic. Which political party has done any such thing? None!

I have gone through the Manifesto of the Nefarious Destructive Cancer for the 2012 General Election and nowhere have this dangerous party with all its trained thugs and area boys mentality engineered by Boko Haram jihadist, Yaw Boateng Gyan been decent enough to tell Ghanaians how it is going to prosecute a clean campaign in this year’s General elections. What it has given details of is how these unpatriotic arsonists, murderers, kidnappers, thieves, rapists and stealers of stolen goods are going to have a field day to unleash an orgy of violence on such a gargantuan scale on innocent Ghanaians. Nana Akufo Addo and the New Patriotic Party have been magnanimous enough to tell Ghanaians how they are going to prosecute the Free SHS Education Agenda. Nana owes nobody any apology or explanation on that.

When the Nefarious Destructive Cancer put it in its manifesto that it would embark on a one term premium payment of the NHIS, did it tell Ghanaians how it was going to do it? No! Did it tell Ghanaians how much an individual was going to pay in order to access the scheme? No!

When the NDC stated in its manifesto that it would arrest and prosecute the killers of Issah Mobillah, did the party tell Ghanaians that it would “capriciously” escort one of the alleged killers outside the borders of Ghana to escape justice? No, it did not, but that was what the party did! In its manifesto of 2008, did the Nefarious Destructive Cancer not tell Ghanaians that it would ensure adequate compensation to the families of the so-called 44 Ghanaians killed by the security forces in The Gambia? Did the manifesto say anything about the amount that would be paid as compensation to each of the bereaved families? In the long run how many victims were accounted for? Less than seven! Did Asiedu Nketiah, Kwabena Agyei and John Mahama tell us that each of the graves to be dug would cost Fifty Million Cedis? They did not, but that was exactly what happened.

When the NDC stated in its 2008 Manifesto that it would establish two Public Universities in both the Brong Ahafo and the Volta Regions, did it tell Ghanaians that it would convert the campuses and buildings of existing institutions into the so-called Universities? No, it did not, but went ahead to eject Nurses from their Residential Quarters at Ho to make the so-called Public University in the Volta Region a “reality”. Call it a case of 419 or at best, taking two steps backward in order to take one step forward.

Now the Nefarious Destructive Cancer talks about establishing one more University in the Eastern Region. Has the party told Ghanaians how much it would cost? It has not even told us where the university will be sited and is raising red flags over Nana’s free and qualitative Senior High School Education. What moral right does President John Mahama and his team of looters have to question the NPP on how it intends to pursue this free qualitative SHS agenda?. They should first tell us the nitty gritty of how it intends to go about establishing the University in the Eastern Region, otherwise they should for ever bow down their heads in shame and stop their dangerous game of throwing darts into the good intentions of Nana Akufo Addo and his free qualitative education.

What President John Dramani Mahama and his bays of hungry hyenas, lions, dogs, wolves, vicious snakes, scavengers, hydra, vultures and tarantulas are doing epitomizes the desperation they find themselves in. Having looted the treasury through their flamboyant lifestyles, they are at their wits end to cling onto any device that could save them from the impending Armageddon that awaits them, come December 7, 2012.

Again the nefarious and cancerous contraption talks of establishing over 200 Senior High Schools before implementing the policy. Have President Mahama and his uninformed team B ministers not shot themselves in their own legs with such an infantile logic? Can they look Ghanaians right in the face and tell us that when they went about the decision to establish the Volta University, they did put up many infrastructures before doing so? Let them tell Ghanaians how many buildings they put up before converting an already existing institution into the university. Sometimes, I wonder how a President could descend so low to come out with such myopic and illogical ideas which is not tenable even in the realm of little kids as old as five years. Why President John Mahama? Just because you want to stay in power, you have sold your soul and reputation to political quacks and thugs! It is nauseating to read and learn that our care-taker president who has been seriously indicted by Ghanaians in the untimely demise of his predecessor does not have a mind of his own and is being led down the precipice on the surest route to Golgotha. All the arguments you, President Mahama have so far brought up against Nana Addo Dankwa’s free Qualitative SHS Education lack merit. If you have no foresight and cannot come out with any feasible plan to better the lot of Ghanaians, say so and keep quiet. And the fact that you don’t have the knack to proffer solutions to problems does not mean that another person cannot do it. You have proved by your inaction, insincerity and lack of foresight that the mantle of leadership was passed to you by default. Ghanaians now demand of you to hand over the baton to the person who has shown by all intents and purposes that he is a Dynamic Goal-Getter, visionary in outlook, a problem solver and result- oriented Some prefer to call him “Mr Fix it”. Others call him “De Klerk”; Some say he is “The New Mandela” whilst the rest have nicknamed him “Mr Mikhail Gorbachev”. But if you were to ask me I would say he is Mr God Sent. Yes, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo is the embodiment of all the good qualities in De Klerk, Nelson Mandela and Mikhail Gorbachev. He is the solution to all the problems that encompass Ghanaian Society of today.

Comparing the initiator of the Fee Free Qualitative SHS Education, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo with the consistently inconsistent pessimistic agent of “cannot be done” mantra, President John Dramani Mahama is like comparing life with Death. Nana stands for life, whilst Mahama stands for death. Vote for Mahama and your children’s education in the country is doomed.

Vote for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo and reap the fruits of Free and Qualitative High School Education as enunciated in the NPP Manifesto for your Children and descendants. The Policy is Feasible. Join the bandwagon to enjoy its benefits. Daniel Danquah Damptey ([email protected]) 0243715297.