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Opinions of Thursday, 24 December 2015

Columnist: Ansobie, Biliguo bie

NDC song of sorrow

Shall stakeholders sit unperturbed
When presidents violate their oaths that made them
Infringing the liberties of certain of men
And cabinet abide in outlaws yonder proportions
As council of state is heeded not
Being reduced to a mere consultative body?
Shall we sit unperturbed when indiscretion in high places
Consumes the fabric of our hard-earned democracy
And parliament ranted into yet unsorted fragments
As appointments committee pushes every interception aside
To confirm its status of mere window dressing?
Are we awake of the consciousness of high treason
As ministers burgled bagful of manuscripts out of homes
To be sat upon by their honorary selves, poets and spiritualists?
Shall our national coffers be compromised in the selfish interest
Of wolves posing in lambs clothing to plunder the whore
When the custodians know the whole law?
Shall our consolidated fund become slush for party witch-hunting
To return evil if not reward or refrain for selfless sacrifice?
Shall men cease to defend the state on corruption and injustice
Shall we honour our national heroes or crush the whistle blower
In terror regime, illegality and evil mindedness?
Shall we redefine clear references of our constitution under wits
To pave way for justification without true consultation?
Shall we continue to watch the tale of two cities and beyond
When benefactors seem to know more than their spiritual consultants?
Shall we watch the nation plunge into sex scandals
To cover up the waterloos of democracies rather than address them?
Shall gov’t deprive the teacher of his right of claim
When those same men hovered in aircrafts under state impunity
After plummeting a housing deal for heeding no advice
And indulging in a dangerous supplant of power?

Fellow Ghanaians, tis time to sing a song of sorrow for the NDC
As gov’t fails to digest the single spine, a remedy in guise,
Much as a serpent fails to do so for a swallowed toad mightier than itself
With arrears of thousands of workers yet unpaid for the yuletide
Under the hypocritic directive of ‘not yonder three months’
In the midst of delayed gratification, bureaucracy and absurdity
Where claims documents clog in cabinets and trays for years
If not challenged by cobwebs in audit crevices
Where is the foresight and hope inspired in these tumultuous times
As inflation now traces 20% high to celebrate a new year
After furious denials of a broke economy
The IMF ultimately tend to be last resort
To heap up debts for our progeny
When the oil shall have been depleted
Where are the master brains of the Senchi consensus?
The average Ghanaian lives under harsh conditions capped by dumsor
With poor health indicators and ministers 10% sacrifice in limbo
Having accepted defeat for the MDGs
With many a protestation to register displeasure and rejection

Even our court ruled in his favour by the skin of his teeth
As half of Ghanaians split and thirsted for blood
As Koranche and his men vexed their spleens against directives
From the highest citadel of law and justice
Mahama still shamelessly pins his bums to his seat at Flagstaff
Far removed from the suffering of the masses
Yet presents to us a state of bloom and vain glory
As a soul languished in Bole in charity of a yeoman’s job

Now ahead of 2016 they plan
With a fraudster Veep still to cruise along
The NDC defies a monkey being bound by its own tale
Escaping the sword of Jehu, Hazael, would soon face Elisha’s
Such is the magic wand as men of God sit on compress springs
To ruin the dire few illegally to continue to reign in peace
Ridiculing age and poverty yet employing as a campaign tool

From whence did corruption come?
When the Mosquitoe cheeks are full it recedes to the hinge side
Like one with swollen tooth on corruption and the fledgling economy
Such is the legacy when the lampo man is no more

Our nation chars, its people in limbo
I sing my dirge to console its bereaved: the neglected, the common man
Our stakeholders of democracy and peace are in a paradox
Of build and destroy; plant and uproot for it belongs to us

Before the dawn when the die shall have been cast
Men shall say Ghana has died a premature death
After a short illness with many a citizen in the unknown
Yet the gangrening wound rocked us for ages long
When many eyes peer closer to observe yet indiscretion veils them
To refrain in hypocrisy, ill-will while they seek mortal combat

Where are the so-called social democrats
Posing to stand for the masses yet each skinning
Into his bag and basketful the common lot?
Which clime has indiscretion tend to override the law
As the interpreters unhurriedly sit pending the arrival of kings?

Hark! Noble citizen to this powerful litany
My heart is pierced in pangs and sorrow for my beloved country
Through the dark horizon across nation and clime
A gov’t of mystery and potentates rule by a magic wand
With the rest enveloped in an infatuated cloud of glory
They exude telepresence and meditations
Imaginations, and extrapolations of half-truths
While the horses own mouth seem not louder enough

Born out of oppression and murderous brutalities
In the name of house-cleansing by a supposed white lamb
Who now dangles from side to side with all his array
we thought this gov’t has now understood democracy
yet it recoils to its revolution and junta days
where is the morale high ground, the justification upon which it stood?
The man of botched conscience is encouraged to hold firmly in this turbulent sea
To someday plug off his dangling fortune kidney and collapse
Like his predecessor did on the tarmac for his heart
When comrades cheered him up in an elderly tone
But history proved us right in succeeding days

This gov’t is sustained by demons and evil minds
Requiring mortal courage to break the jinx

Let us sing more songs of sorrow for the social democrats
Let us mourn Ghana for her dying children
Let us not risk our lives in another boat
In a storming sea under a doubtful captain
Let them stand off for another soul to rule
I declaim my verse as Balaam’s oracle
As rain clouds are overhanging full of rain
Ready to pour any moment from now

Let us sing off our corrupt media; the foremost of such in Africa
A line of dirge to appease our hearts
Let us think of obscure corners, relegations and laughing disasters
Let us dig our archives and files for hypocritic skips
Instigated by men of echelon heights

Let us condemn furious denials and porous works
In our legislature, our beacon of hope in democracy
Glaring to even the unspectacled man
Let us fish out instigations from men of power
Let us condemn those who condone to suppress the truth
With no slightest vestige of doubt on man’s capabilities
On whom the gov’t rested when there was nowhere to thread
Only spurred on by hypocritical syndicate
Let us rebuff allegations with no iota of truth
Let Ghana regain its image as thriving democracy with press freedom
Let the jury be rid of all partiality; and let the laws speak for man
Let us involve in the collective march toward freedom and justice
Fare thee well for Ghana to redeem
22 Dec, 2015, Ogun State, Nigeria