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Opinions of Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC will Leave no Stone Unturned

.... in Perpetrating Intimidation and Corruption

On Monday 27 January 2014 while listening to radio phone-in contributions by callers into a programme being hosted on London-based WBLS FM 96.5 radio station, something that I consider weird did happen. ? A caller claiming to be a member of the NDC, recently arrived from Ghana to spend holiday in London did phone in to chastise the host of the programme. He said, "I have come from Ghana to spend holiday in the UK. Ever since I came, I have been monitoring your radio programmes. I want to ask if your radio station belongs to the NPP or it belongs to some private person". ? When the radio presenter said it does not belong to the NPP but a private person, the caller then said, "Your station seems to belong to the NPP. Why should you allow callers to phone in to insult President Mahama? Ever since I came from Ghana, I have particularly been monitoring your station. You always pick up only NPP callers that phone in to lambast President Mahama. You are being useless. Why do you not regulate the programme but allow callers to insult other people as long as they wish? When I return to Ghana, I shall ask NDC leaders and people not to answer calls from your radio station or grant you interview when you contact them" ? I am not interested in the argument the NDC man was putting up. What the heck does one care if the NDC will grant interviews to the radio stations or not? Does he expect Ghanaians living abroad to stoop too low to kowtowing to the rubbish and thievery Mahama and his bunch of "Ali Baba and his forty thieves" are inflicting on Ghanaians? ? The government has money to pay him holiday fare only for him to come to London to monitor radio stations. If monitoring the radio stations is to inform President Mahama of what Ghanaians abroad think about him and his presidency to subsequently reform him for the better, then it is fine. However, if it is a means to expand his cowing tentacles, then I am sorry not only for the guy under discussion but Mahama and his entire NDC membership. ? It is only an ignorant "Burger" who probably being as corrupt as Mahama, his family and friends, will support the rot that is being spearheaded by the Mahama government. Discerning "burgers" will tell him to his face as it is, castigating him in attempts to get him off the thieving path of economic and moral decadence when need be. ? Let us be honest with Mother "Ama" Ghana for once. Let us do the little right things that will bring smiles back to the face of mourning Mother "Ama" Ghana. Mahama is to lead us down this noble path. Can this seeming mendacious person lead us from the abyss of corruption to the limelight of economic and financial self-sufficiency Ghanaians are craving for? I do not know. You the reader will be the best judge! ? Rockson Adofo