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Opinions of Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

NPP: Alan K Is Innovative Leader

It is as true today as it has been in the past that without tradition there is no innovation, which implies traditions are limited only by our imagination. That is why good political parties across the globe use competition to select innovative leaders. Alan John Kwadwo Kyeremateng is a leader. Alan is a man who has great ideas to expand our nation’s economic fortunes for the current and future generations.

The New Patriotic national delegates should realize that it is imperative in the 21st century to choose a youthful, young, energetic and smart politician to lead the NPP into the general election, not an old man like this visionless 70 –year- old Akufo Addo. This 70 -year-old Akufo Addo, a former member of parliament from Abuakwa south neglected his constituency, hardly visits his constituency and also treats the people at his constituency as “ANOMIES” as Hitler treated the Jews. Such a person now wants to become president: On what record does Akufo Addo want people to recommend him to be the next NPP presidential candidate?

In politics perception becomes an issues if the party is being herded like sheep in a wrong direction, which has been the case with NPP choosing a wrong candidate to lead this organization for 2008. The delegates should pick a candidate like Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, someone who is respected among the Ghanaian populace including both those who are not politically involved and those with different political affiliations.

It will be political suicidal and a national disgrace for the NPP parliamentarians, some members from the council of elders and NPP members to continue to support a presidential candidate who won only 49 % in the first round of the 2008 general election. They went to second round could not move the party forward, allowing the NDC, which had merely 47% for the first round, to bypass him and win the general elections. I’m not surprised by the way this 70 –year- old man Akufo Addo performed; as many academical intellectuals know, if a man holds a third rate degree in economics and could not obtain a college degree in Great Britain, it tells you a lot about his intellectual ability to lead an organization such as the NPP to victory.

As one of my economic hero’s Karl Marx once said, “ To build a better and stronger industrial nation, we need people who have innovated economic ideas.” Marx indicates that such a nation could be productive on socioeconomic development through the brainpowers of people in our modern society and Alan Kyerematen is one of them. Alan Kyeremateng has proved to the nation his ability to create jobs and reopen factories that were closed by the previous (P) NDC administration. He is a man who has great visionary ideas to implement an effective strategy that will yield good results in business as well as ideas on writing models for people to follow.

Now Alan John Kwadwo’s 2010-campaign strategy have been put in place. Akufo Addo who has no economic ideas and vision is stalling Alan’s campaign message. Alan has indicated that when he is elected as the Flag –bearer which will come on soon as the NPP presidential candidate in August 7th 2010. Alan will channel all the campaign resources including T. shirts, monies and other logistics to the polling station executives across the constituencies in the nation. Now Akufo Addo is using it as propaganda that Alan will never work with the national constituency executives whom this Akufo Addo did not trust enough during the 2008 NPP campaign to put money into their hands. That is one of the major reasons why the party lost the election--- when Akufo Addo and his cronies refused to use the NPP campaign money for the actual purpose of the NPP reelection. This in fact never happened. The money ended up Akufo Addo’s and his friend’s pocket. The NPP delegates must also acknowledge that they cannot continue to harbour this 70- year- old man Akufo Addo’s refusal to appear in the media to defend his drug addiction charges in front of the whole nation. NPP delegates should consider that Ghanaians are very intelligent; the party needs a candidate who will attract the floating voters and the independent voters and others in order for the party to win in the 2012 general election. Alan John Kwadwo Kyeremanten is the only candidate who is the answer to the NPP political dilemma. If the NPP wants to regain the hegemonic powers that this 70 –year- old man-Akufo Addo helped them to lose in 2008 to NDC, then we must elect Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen now.

From: Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)