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Opinions of Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Columnist: Apisawu, Peter Kojo

NPP Are Like Termites

…they’ve destroyed state institutions including SFO and the judiciary for their
selfish ends!

By Peter Kojo Apisawu

Former President Rawlings’s special aide, Mr Kofi Adams has blistered the New
Patriotic Party (NPP), describing them as “termites” who are hell-bent on destroying
credible state institutions for their selfish and narrow-minded aggrandisement.
Mr Kofi Adams, who also doubles as Deputy-General Secretary of the National
Democratic Congress (NDC) portrays the NPP as “hypocritical” and “malicious” in both
words and in deed and ought not to be taken seriously.
The NDC Deputy-General Secretary was speaking with The Republic in a telephone
interview in reaction to complaint by the NPP and its pseudo-political group –
Alliance for Accountable Governance (AFAG), for the arrest and prosecution of Dr
Kwabena Adjei, Chairman for the NDC on his comments that the NDC would “clean” the
judiciary if the Chief Justice failes to do so and that “there are many ways to kill
a cat.”
According to Mr. Adams, the NPP always pretends to be building when in fact they are
wrecking havoc with state institutions.
“I say they are termites because termites sometime pretend to be building but
actually they are destroying,” Mr Kofi Adams opined.
He accused the NPP and its surrogate political group, AFAG, of destroying credible
state institutions for their selfish parochial interests.
“The NPP and AFAG claim that what they are doing is geared towards building and
strengthening the institutions, institutions they have helped destroyed over the
years,” NDC Deputy-General Secretary observed.
According to the Rawlings aide, during its regime, the NPP forsook and ruined the
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and further twisted the arm of the judiciary to achieve
their vaunting inordinate ambitions.
“We are aware that the NPP denied and destroyed the Serious Fraud Office (SFO).
“We are all aware that the NPP and the Minority boycotted Parliament and twisted the
arm of the Judiciary to reverse their decision on remanding Baafi Dankwa, when he
said that the Former President burnt his own house. These are all attacks on the
judiciary; they have done so many things that sought to destroy the judiciary,” Mr
Adams observed.
“Today, these same termites who have destroyed the state institutions are shouting
at the roof tops that they want to build institutions. How are they building the
institutions when they are indeed, destroying them?” Mr Adams asked rhetorically.
He said he has tagged and compared the NPP to the “termites” because “termites
destroy wood and build ant-hills out of that.”
According to Mr Adams, “…this is the reason why their claim to be building and
strengthening institutions is not for the welfare of all but then they want to do it
in a way that will suit their whims and caprices; so that they can manipulate the
system against the will of the majority of the good people of Ghana.”
Last week, AFAG filed a complaint at the Nima Police station, asking for the arrest
and prosecution of Dr Adjei, following his comments about the judiciary.
AFAG is insisting that the comments by Dr Adjei about a planned cleansing of the
judiciary were treasonable.
However, the Police in Accra are tight-lipped about what criminal charges they will
prefer against the NDC Chairman.
In an interview with The Republic, the Director of Police Public Relations,
Superintendent Kwesi Ofori said Dr Adjei has not been formally invited by the
He however explained that the Director-General of Police has spoken with Dr Adjei
who was on his way to the Volta region.