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Opinions of Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Columnist: Mensa-Bonsu, Kofi Diawuo

NPP At Cross Roads

The New Patriotic Party is at a crossroads. Its very survival is being threatened. Any genuine member of the tradition should be concerned about the impending Congress to elect a flagbearer. What some of us saw as the beauty of democracy is tending to hurt and destroy the party. The behaviourof some supporters of certain aspirants who are behaving as if this contest is a war of life and death is very disturbing. The supporters who go on air to condemn other candidates they do not support are doing a great disservice to the party and one hopes that these aspirants, if they are worth their salt, would call their supporters to order.

Kufour and of course every other member may and should have a preferred candidate. But in a democratic society, the only way to get people to accept your point of view it convince. Coercion, naked bribery and corruption, intimidation, threats, lies and insults are certainly not part of the game.


Mohammed Amin Anta is the Tamale Municipal Chief Executive and a key player in the Alan Kyeremateng's amateurish Campaign team. He had the audacity to pronounce on air that the battlelines have been drawn between the President's candidate and the New Patriotic Party's candidate. What a pseudo-infantile statement to make. These opportunists and their henchperson Kufour ably supported by Dr Richard "Alexandra O'Brien" Anane must not for a minute think that they own our beloved party. Our forebears deliberately worked against the cult personality syndrome gripping our party. Kufour is definitely worst than Rawlings, Kufour is a dictator bent on destroying our tradition. Dr Donkor-Fordwour, Appiah-Menka, Ala Adjetey and a host of others warned us about Kufour.

Another empty-barelled Northerner in the Kyerematen's ensemble is Paul Afoko the self-styled businessman, who only emerged from the United Kingdom after the 2000 victory is masquerading as the new Alhaji COP in the Northern Region. We are aware of his machinations in the Bongo delegate selection. This chap was facing fraud and drugs charges in London, travels on a passport that does not belong to him. Kufour prefers to deal with guys like Afoko, Anta and Razak, all empty Ntafoo (Northerners).


The rumours doing rounds today in NDC circles are that the Managing Directors of SSNIT, SIC, GHAPOHA, TOR and MASLOC are all Ashantis being brought in to finance the Kyerematen campaign with state resources. A classic testiomony was the use of the Ghana Airforce jet by Alan Kyerematen. Even Kwame Addo-Kufour as a long-serving former Defence Minister was not aware that an individual could hire this national asset for political campaigning. Alban Bagbin and our opponents in Parliament are calling for an inquiry into Alan Kyerematen's sources of campaign funds. The perception is that these Ashantis are dipping their hands into state coffers to support Kyerematen on Kufour's orders. Alan Kyerematen now personifies corruption, cronyism and it is a huge propaganda weapon to our opponents if elected on December 22. The intended fifty million cedis per delegate post-dated cheque by the Alan Kyerematen group on Congress day is a con, so party delegates must watch out.


Kufour after attending funerals in Ashanti Region last month issued threats to certain constituency chairmen to select ten delegates for Alan Kyerematen. The very chairmen he has neglected for seven years should now do his bidding. Kufour's cabal of Dr Anane - the disgraced former Minister of Transportation, Adu-Asabre (Asante-Akim North Chairman), George Kofi Adjei (Nyhiaeso Chairman), Donkor (Tafo Chairman) and Asare-Bediako (Asokwa Chairman) are now threatening every constituency chairman tagged as not supportring Alan Kyerematen. Adu-Asabre, the ex-convict who after rehabilitation is enjoying power under Kufour is the head of the Ashanti cabal. These Ashanti illiterates have made money these last seven years and are now intimidating the Ashanti delegates to vote for Alan Kyerematen. NPP's motto is Development In Freedom not in fear and intimidation and Kufour should remember that.


My advice to all NPP delegates about these monies being doled out by Kyerematen should be taken as their end-of-service benefits. After all, Kufuor and his family have looted, bought hotel, invested monies abroad etc. from their toil and sweat. This is the time to show Kufour and his his ilk where power lies. Kufour has taken you for granted for seven years, now show him that no future NPP President will be given a free ride to dictate his nonsense to us again.


The New Patriotic Party is really at a difficult time of its existence. The party needs to be tactful in all its dealings at this time. The National Executive has performed well but for the faux-pas by the arrogant, corrupt KOKONSA General Secretary Ohene Ntow about the selection process.

Perhaps, the only damage facing the party now is the clandestine and opulent support enjoyed by Alan Kyerematen from Kufour. Kufour has denied but the activities of himself and his known men on the ground namely Dr Anane (Ashanti & Brong-Ahafo Co-ordinator), Steve Ntim, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng (Western & Central Co-ordinators), Amin Anta, Afoko (Northern Region Co-ordinators), Dr Annor (Eastern & Volta Co-ordinator), Joe Baidoe-Ansah (Greater Accra Co-ordinator) who are using Kufour's name, the recent dismissal of M/DCEs perceived to belong to other camps and the threats issued by Kufour to certain appointees of his and even businessmen supporting other candidates lend credence to Kufour's support for Alan Kyerematen.

Who can forget the manoueverings at the selection of delegates at various constituencies. Is it not instructive that at places where there have been controversies, people who have been "smuggled" into the list are all perceived Kufour/Alan's men?

"Discontent bolis bloody" and one would have expected Kufour to stay neutral and above board. That Kufour has elected not to stay clear is his choice but if against the mighty war chest of the NDC, NPP triumphed in 2000 if against Kufour's prodding Mac Manu won against Ntim, people should remember the rallying prayer of NPP: " Awurade Kasa". Let us all remain calm and unperturbed for the handwriting is on the wall: Awarade bekasa, God will speak as indeed he did in 2000 for NPP and for Mac Manu against Stephen Ntim in 2005.


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