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Opinions of Monday, 10 September 2012

Columnist: Bannerman, John

NPP Diabolic Plans against Mahama will not wash

The NPP is so desparate for victory in December to the extent that it has lost all sense of decency. Their vile propaganda agaist President Mahama is taking a vicious form of lies, denigration, insults and outright threat.

These historical anti-development agents of Ghana realising that they have no development targeted message for Ghanaians are lying through their gums, I hear some have no teeth, that the president has bought a plane and a ship. If properties acquired by siblings and family members of leaders are proxy properties, does it also suggest that Akufo Addo is also corrupt? How did the databank guys aqcuire their wealth? How did Chief Kufuor and Ama Kufuor acquire their wealth? Are Nana Addo and Kufuor the most corrupt in Ghana going by NPP's definition?

Ibrahim Mahama aqcuired a private jet, yet NPP communicators claim the jet belongs to the President. The CEO of Engineers and Planners, Ibrahim Mahama, is known personally by the NPP gurus and their media friends to be a successful businessman long before his brother John became the Vice President and now President of Ghana. The same people who are alleging that the president owns the jet are the very peopel who troop to Ibrahim everyday for monetary and other forms of support.

Again, you find here the doublespeak of the NPP members who behave like fowls who will eat and rub their beaks on the floor and claim, or, swear to high heavens that they haven't. The NPP have no shame in betraying their benefactors so long as their actions will benefit them and them alone. This is why Ghanaians must never trust these mafiosos parading as politicians. If they 'unlikely' come to power, they will loot and sell all our resources to their foreign white friends whose agenda they are pushing to ensure Ghana doesn't develop.

How on earth, God almighty, will NPP claim that President Mahama is behind Yaw Gyan's (NDC National Organiser) controversial secret recording? because he is now the President? Mahama was not the President when this recordings took place how can you then tag him with it? Funny things happen at funny times. Very soon Nana Addo's inability to smile on campaign platforms will be blamed on the President for using voodoo spell on him.

Comparing like for like, is Nana Addo behind the following tapes: Atta Akyea's criminal minded tape; Kennedy 'Ma bo dam' Agyapong's kill Gas and Ewes tape including sending 1000 'machomen' to Kumasi during the December 2008 elections; Sammy Awuku's take pestles tape; Anthony Karbo's Afghanistan threat, and worst of all his own infamous all-die-be-die, yen Akanfuo, Atiwa kuraa yaa ye biribi kakraa tapes? Nana Addo has, since his time in politics in Ghana, come to symbolise violence and mayhem in the political life of this country.

Soon after January 7th 2009, when the late President Mills was sworn-in, Nana Addo addressed a press conference and stated categorically that he had militants who he was prepared to unleash on Ghanaians, have we so soon forgotten about this gory statement from the mouth of the NPP's presidential candidate? With this in mind, John Mahama and Nana Addo who therefore is violent?

The NPP doesn't have any coherent and comprehensive message for Ghanaians and therefore are resorting to disgraceful tricks and tactics, which Ghanaians are not buying into anyway. The reception John Mahama is receiving from Ghanaians has shocked and shaken the foundation of the NPP and the top gurus. They are now rushing helta-skelta trying to diminish the gains Mahama is making in every corner of Ghana.

Ghanaians are seeing the Better Ghana Agenda 'fiili fiili' and are dead set to retain the NDC government in power. The loud mouths and noisy neighbours better be used to life in opposition for sometime to come. No amount of dirts thrown at Mahama will stick. Mahama is the new show boy of Ghana politics, he exudes hope and aspirations for the youth of Ghana.

NDC, ed3 bee k3k3.

Source: John Bannerman [email protected]