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Opinions of Monday, 4 April 2016

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fabi

NPP Faithful - Create a wild & peaceful revolution at polls

By Fadi Dabbousi

The Nation is craving for change! The country is desperate for change!! Ghana is begging for change!!!

Ghanaians, posterity will never accord us a rightful place in history where our achievements will be reflected upon with pride if we do not commit the NDC to the dumpster of civilisation on November 7, 2016.

In fact, where the price of crude oil is at its barest minimum, President John Mahama sees it necessary to crack the whip and render our backs like a terrain of ruts and crevices. The whipping is getting too much, and the nation cannot bear the pain any longer. Fuel prices continue in a crescendo. Price of electricity is increased regularly, and while we think that we pay just the tariffs that government announces, which thus far has increased by over 400% since 2009, the charges are adjusted automatically upwards without our knowledge. Clean, potable water has never been in such a dire shortage. People are forced to drink from gutters while it has become very common to see children skim water surfaces to fetch something they hope will not kill them.

Acute poverty is radicalising the youth because when they find themselves jobless, hopeless, and futureless, they become hungry for money and vengeance. Schools are unaffordable and the free education that John Mahama is trying fruitlessly to copy from Nana Akufo-Addo is a total failure. He increased school fees and then subsidised it by GHs38. After the necessary mathematics, it so turns out that parents are paying more now than what they did before. That is John Mahama’s touted free education, which is nothing but a scam, a sham, and one big damn!

Parents are withdrawing their wards from schools because the feeding programme has failed abysmally under the unqualified administration of the President. In fact, nutritious food that the NPP afforded students during the era of President Kufuor was very palatable, but today, under the NDC, it has become a horrible mass of tasteless malnutrition that parents do not want their children to consume. John Dramani Mahama is giving out GHs30, GHs40, and GHs50 to desperate Muslim women to rear pigs and he sticks his chest with pride at this most blasphemous attitude as he bloviates about his “Transforming Lives” rhetoric. But that is another lie. I am yet to come across Muslims rearing pigs! His slogan is nothing but a cosmetic make-up of the catch phrase, “Destroying Lives”!

Abuse of women is on the rise. Never has this precedent assumed such worrying levels. And that is all due to the acute penury that John Dramani Mahama’s circumstances have forced on the people. More children continue to drop out of school without a chance for education because their parents cannot afford it. For the past eight years under the NDC more University graduates have found themselves jobless, suffering redundancy. Some have resorted to selling confectionary and newspapers at traffic lights without a ray of hope. The Judiciary has lost its sanity, jailing the mother of nine children to 11 years for trying to make a living selling alcohol with weed in it when cocaine barons are walking free; when thieves are walking free after stealing the nation’s money in collusion with people in power; when criminals who had actually killed and confessed to their crimes were let off the hook with a mere bribe or a goat offering. When has such gross injustice ever taken place under any government except those of the (P)NDC?
The NPP boycotts Neat FM and Hot FM for unfairness in their programmes that seek to churn out lies and deceit in sheer acts of chicanery as they implement the machinations of the NDC. The latter evil Party, the NDC, begins to make unsavoury comments in an effort to create disfavour for the NPP amongst the electorate. Little did they know that the Ghanaian voter has become very discerning and informed. Of course, trust the NPP smart members to send the NDC to the cleaners, after all the latter (NDC) boycotted Metro TV and Joy fm in 2011, citing unfairness and lopsidedness in favour of the former (NPP). The NDC goons never learn. But, then again, how can they when they have neither the faculty to understand nor the sense to reason?
When constituents are dying of hunger, NDC members of parliament are sharing money to a select few to coerce the weaker folks, shamelessly. When people are dying of malnutrition, John Dramani Mahama is seen at durbars throwing thousands of Cedis on dancers. When the NCCE needs vehicles badly, John Mahama takes over 50 of their Mahindra pick-ups to brand in his party colours to be sent out on campaign. When people are reeking in abject poverty, the NDC government is dancing to the song, “Y3n tie obiaa” (we will listen to nobody).

How will the nation not crave for change? How will the country not be desperate for change? How will Ghana not beg for change? Ghanaians will be highly insensitive, grossly undiscerning, and distressfully hopeless if they do not change this incompetent government of John Dramani Mahama and the NDC.

#ChangeIsComing #ChangeMustBe