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Opinions of Saturday, 14 November 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP Had Better Stop their Internal Mischievous Squabbles & Wrangling Now!

The acclaimed party overflowing with intellectuals of all sorts is now almost lost in the political wilderness, fast deteriorating with possible total disintegration staring her in the face. The members of the party are left to grope their way out of the political mess that some malevolent people, intentional saboteurs so to speak, have plunged the party into.
The more we linger in the uncertainties of ever resolving the malicious divisiveness confronting the party, the more people begin to lose confidence in the ability of NPP to govern Ghana if given the opportunity. The more they lose confidence in us, the less the chance of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo winning election 2016.
NPP losing election 2016 so that Nana Akufo Addo never becomes the President of Ghana to extricate Ghanaians from the corruption-woven-slavery cloak forced on them by President Mahama and his NDC government is the main objective of the saboteurs.
Are the discerning and, or suffering Ghanaians of whom I am inclusive ready to accept the fate designed for us by these saboteurs whose actions are dictated by the pangs of their stomach but not the sanity of their brains? No way! Then what do we do? We have to confront them head-on to pump lasting sense into their heads to let them know that it does not pay to become a selfish greedy bastard - courtesy of former President Jerry John Rawlings.
The saboteurs within the NPP are presumably on NDC payroll. They are NDC moles planted in NPP to cause confusion within the party with intent to ensure the defeat of NPP in election 2016 to guarantee the continuous rule by NDC and President Mahama.
For how long are the genuinely concerned NPP activists, sympathisers and suffering Ghanaian masses clamouring for a change of government to stop the official perpetration and perpetuation of corruption going to keep their silence in the face of the blatant sabotage from within?

While we call on Nana Akufo Addo to stamp his authority, he cannot do that without our support. He is only one man. It takes many trees but not a lone tree to make a forest. Are two heads not better than one? Why then do we always request Nana Akufo to stamp his foot without according him the necessary assistance?
I, Rockson Adofo, that fearless no-nonsense man from Kumawu/Asiampa will back Nana Akufo Addo and all genuinely concerned Ghanaians wishing for themselves a better government through and through.

We should not allow the culture of silence instituted by corrupt politicians and cowards like the "He-She" Koku Anyidohu who writes under the pseudonym Margaret Jackson and Nana Akua Tweneboah Koduah, to prevail to our detriment. We have to resist the disgustingly corrupt oppressors' rule.
Following my determination to rid NPP of saboteurs like my own son Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, that blemish on the intelligence of the Agona Clan, a shame to the womb that conceived him, I call on Nana Yaw Sarpong to answer his phone when I call. I urgently need to meet the NPP Communication team in London. We need to strategize differently if truly we want to win power to alleviate Ghanaians of their socio-economic sufferings under the hands of the most clueless, incompetent, myopic and unprecedentedly corrupt government ever seen in the annals of Ghana's politics.

From my investigations, if the problems in NPP continue into March 2016, then NPP is a goner; it will be history.
Should we wait for that to happen to guarantee the continuation of the suffering of Ghanaians under the administration of President Mahama? No!!
I believe in the power of prayers made in faith and through works. Therefore, all those who care about the suffering Ghanaian masses, same believing that God hears them when they fast and pray in honest, should please do so. Those who can help financially or in any other form to stop the absurd wrangling and mischief within the NPP ranks to bring about peace and unity to the party should also do it.
It is about time we stopped the problems within the party without further dithering because it is said, "time and tide wait for no man". "Today is tomorrow's yesterday so do not put to tomorrow what you can do today for tomorrow may be too late for you can do today". This is the reason why I want the problems within the NPP TO STOP NOW!
Rockson Adofo