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Opinions of Sunday, 15 September 2013

Columnist: Sangaparee, Clement

NPP, Is It Now A Crime To

Pronounce The “All – Die- Be Die” Catch Phrase In Ghana?

The NPP Member of Parliament for Nanton, Honourable Murtala Mohammed Ibrahim was heckled by the NPP Minority in Parliament who shouted on him to sit down. When Hon. Ibrahim refused to sit down and rather added the “All die be die” catch phrase to his comments. The infamous catch phrase drew the anger of the entire Minority Caucus who rose to their feet in unison and hurled unprintable insults “You are not correct in your head” “You are in disciplined ” These were some of the abuses and nasty comments made by the NPP Minority Caucus on the floor of Parliament on Wednesday July 17, 2013 and captured by the “Daily Graphic” on Thursday July 18th 2013 edition – page 17.

According to the report, the abuses and comments were accompanied by pointing of fingers at Hon. Ibrahim because they found the “All die be die” catch phrase offensive and asked the NDC MP to withdraw it. These Minority MPs in parliament all need a medical check up to ensure whether they have sound minds or not. Who invented that infamous catch phrase in Ghana? Was it not the hot headed presidential candidate of the NPP, who is also the tribal warlord on war path during the 2012 elections in Ghana? It is rather Nana Akuffo Addo who is not correct in his head as well as the minority MPs and not the NDC MP for Nanton. It is also Nana Akuffo Addo and his minority caucus in parliament who are indisciplined and not the Honourable MP for Nanton. How dare you. This should have been directed at Nana Akuffo Addo and not the MP for Nanton Since the “All die be die mantra” is the NPP party anthem nationwide. I now beg to ask the NPP – since when did the “All die be die” catch phrase become offensive in Ghana?
Was it not Jake Obetseby Lamptey who stated that Akans will fight for their birthright to rule this country, if people stand on their way- Nobody stood on the way of the Asante/Akyem NPP but they lost the 2012 elections to President John Mahama and will go ahead to lose their case at the Supreme Court on top because the NDC have credible evidence to win that case and rule until 2016 and win again ending its term in 2021. The NPP played the ETHNIC CARD by placing a particular tribe before the people in the 2012 general election and lost, and they (NPP) would continue to lose future elections if they fail to go beyond their Asante/Akyem tribal grouping and reach out to other tribes in Ghana, whom they hate.
The NPP has no respect for Northerners, Gas, and Ewes, it is hardly a party that can be expected to be fair to other ethnic groups if given the mandate with Nana Akuffo Addo as President of Ghana” but God forbid.
The NPP is always a real THREAT TO THE COUNTRY whenever they lose elections since 1951 up to date 2013. The forebears at the NPP were the National Liberation Movement with “Mate meho” as its local name. that bloody tribal grouping was farmed in Stephen 1954 with the late Baffour Osei Akoto Chief linguist of the Asantehene as its Chairman. The NLM was renamed the” United Party” (UP) which the NPP represent today 2013. Leaders of this political traditional does not give a damn if Ghanaians suffer, so that they would enjoy the wealth that PROPERLY BELONGS TO THE WHOLE COUNTRY, and which should be distributed among the people of the country by way of SOCIAL WELFARE PROVISIONS in an equitable way.
Their belief is that, it does not matter how a person get rich as long as in the end he or she gets rich even if it means the following.
1) Getting 20% out of every contract for a shoddy job done.
2) Exporting cocaine and heroin abroad.
3) Dealing in cocaine, Indian Hemp (Wee) and other narcotic drugs.
4) Killing Ghanaian Women in order to be voted into office like the NPP did in the year 2000 and won after killing over 40 women in Ghana.
5) Their infamous belief is that when you get into power, you should use the government and state machinery TO ENRICH ONLY THE SELECT FEW IN THE ASANTE/AKYEM DOMINATED NPP.
6) Their false belief is that Property Owning Democracy means stealing GOVERNMENT BUNGALOWS AND LANDS originally acquired for the use of government for PUBLIC INTEREST PURPOSES.
In pursuit of these beliefs, the NPP went ahead to STUFF the Judiciary with Judges who were card bearing members of the NPP who supported them in their misdeeds and who carried out their wishes from 2001 – 2008 on most trumped up charges. E.G. An Appeal Court Judge, Justice Julius Ansah sitting as an additional judge at the Accra High Court (proper) to where the then Attorney General transferred Mr. Tsatsu Tsikata’s case on 8th March 2002 after the Fast Track Court fiaseo – ruled that Mr. Tsikata was DISCHARGED since the offence with which he was charged was committed BEFORE THE LAW was passed. The alleged offence took place in 1993, whilst the law on causing financial loss to the state which did not have RETROSPECTIVE EFFECT was passed by Parliament in JUNE 1993. Yes, that was the NPP government with J.A. Kuffour as the then President who claim to be a democrat, and somebody who believe in the RULE OF LAW, yet he jailed Mr. Tsatsu Tsikata because of his extreme hatred for Ewes and even ended it by flatly refusing to appoint a single Ewe in his cabinet as Minister or Deputy Minister of State. Public Offices, public boards and corporations had no representatives from the Volta Region and there was no Ewe Police, Army, Fire Service, CEPs or Immigration in Command positions under J.A Kuffour’s government from 2001-2008. Therefore, we had only 9 Regions under the NPP government and yet the NPP believed fasely tha the people of the Volta Region would vote massively for them in the 2012 general elections. They were over confident but were given a fitting reply by the Voltarians in 2012. Yes, this is the NPP for you dear reader. All these things were taking place in Ghana and yet we had sweet media headlines and FM Stations that had no end in sight playing down the severity of the hardships under President Kufour. Is anybody Listening? I am done, “Jaanbie Iwaii” - “Aluta Continua!
