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Opinions of Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

NPP Loss Is A Lesson For Akufo Addo, Mac Manu & Commey

Politics is not about an individual birthright of anybody whose parents or ancestors have name recognition among the populace. It is about any human being who has the qualification and skills to govern. Furthermore it is about a person who has the necessary ambition to implement policies that will improve the living conditions for its citizens, a person who is self-contained. This is what New Patriotic Party (NPP) members see in Mr. Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen. They see the man who has the skills, vision, intellectual abilities and also humility to move the nation forward.

Akufo Addo whose egocentric and political ambition divided the NPP into two factions during the John Aggykum Kufuor administration. Akufo Addo is now walking around the country saying nobody should blame anybody for the party’s loss in the 2008 election. Akufo Addo wanted to protect his cronies whose behaviors caused the party to lose the general election. Right after the NPP National Delegates Conference at the University of Ghana Legon, I wrote an article warning the NPP Members across the country to fire the entire National NPP Executive or else. Majority of them were thinking that I was joking but they saw the outcome of their rude and haughty behaviors.

Fortunately, the Daily Dispech Newspaper was able to publish their findings of the facts surrounding the Akufo Addo team’s harassment Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen’s supporters on Thursday, 22 January 2009, edition. I’m delighted that now the NPP members will realize what Alan Cash went through at the hands of this Akufo Addo and his cronies, whom I have often referred to as NPP gangsters with a criminal back ground. Akufo Addo’s secret dubious activities against Alan Kyerematen have come back to nibble at his own political career. If one takes a critical analysis at this Daily Dispech report, it is clear that Akufo Addo and his men frustrated anyone who supported Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen’s flag- bearership bid. “I can say without exception or equivocation that Akufo Addo, Lord Commey and other aforementioned individuals were the chief architect for these political criminal acts against Alan Kyevematen.” This was a design planed by Dan Kwaku Botwe, Lord Comey, Peter Mac Manu, Francis Poku, Yaw Osafo Maafo and many others. As the Bible Says, in the book of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper: and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” God has Everlasting covenant with Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen as well as many other who are chosen by Him. Akufo Addo can never ever prevent what God has promised for Alan not to come through.

In February 2008 Alan Kyerematen filed his complain against the NPP National executive to investigate the incident that took place at the National delegates conference at Legon that was done in behalf of his supporter Mr. Paul Afoko. Still this sycophant NPP executive has not rectified the dilemma. This Criminal Lord Commey has the audacity to go around saying that Akufo Addo will be retained for 2012 general elections as the NPP Presidential candidate. This will never ever happen again in the history of the UP tradition. Akufo Addo himself knows it he is done. Even the people from Eastern Region being his home area knows it, they did not vote for him in 2008. Why would they vote for him 2012? After Akufo Addo and his cronies had formed a coup de’tat against Alan, It was the efforts of Mr. Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen who went to the Ashanti region and campaign heavily for Akufo Addo to increase his numbers in the second round to almost three hundred thousand votes. This reminds me that the former, American president Abraham Lincoln once famously said, “I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends”

Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen is the person the nation needs for 2012 not these visionless, useless and avaricious individuals. I urge all NPP members across the nation and outside the country not to be worry about any utterances from Lord Commey, Akufo Addo and Peter Mac Manu they are all history. Nobody should waste his or her time on them. The NPP members can no longer afford to drift, and they can no longer afford divisions of self-destructions from Akaufo Addo gangsters.

From Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)