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Opinions of Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Columnist: Ato Kwamena Dadzie

NPP: Moving forwardly outward

The NPP is grabbing at straws. The mighty have truly fallen and now all they can do is put up spurious challenges and do all they can to throw doubts in the minds of the electorate. But the fact remains that in the next few hours the EC should officially declare John Atta Mills as the successor to John Kufuor.

Few gave him a dog’s chance. This is his third shot at the presidency and since he started trying some eight years ago, the odds have never been so stuck against him.

First, his party is broke. Some doubt this but I am sure the NDC ran this year’s campaign on a very lean budget. The ruling NPP, on the other hand, seemed to have a bottomless purse. There were times when I heard about 10 NPP adverts on radio within a 60-minute period. The NDC’s adverts by contrast were few and far between.

Secondly, this year saw Prof. Mills being maligned much more than ever before. His health was a campaign issue. His opponents painted him as a sickly, dying man who would spend much of his tenure in hospital wards than in his presidential office tending to the problems of the nation. Thirdly, they claimed he lacked a solid pair between his balls. They called him a poodle who wouldn’t hesitate to do the bidding of his dictatorial political benefactor. It was claimed that a vote for Mills would amount to a vote for Jerry Rawlings... Click here to read full article