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Opinions of Monday, 26 April 2010

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

NPP: Now Akufo Addo And Osafo Maafo Calls Ashanti’s “Criminals”

The essence of Akufo Addo and his Akyem gang’s hatred for the Ashanti’s since 1979 has openly been aired in the Central Region. When this useless Knucklehead 70 –year-old man Akufo Addo starts his latest campaign on Thursday April 22, 2010 in the Central Region, we know that this hatred will be evident again when he begin his tour at Agona East and through the Agona west Constituencies, we’ll know expect more of the same.

Nananum, Ladies and Gentleman to the surprise of many NPP delegates at Agona East Constituency the utterances that came from this 70-year-old man Akufo Addo who is a political wash-out and washed -up and his crony Yaw Osafo Maafo’s mouth were shocking to them. NPP members who once doubted are now convinced that this Akufo Addo is behind the NDC selective prosecution of NPP Ashanti elites. The obvious motive they have is to undermine Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng’s campaign. Akufo Addo is orchestrating this selective prosecution through his NDC friend Kojo Tsikata at the Osu Castle both of whom describe Ashanti who were at the helm of NPP affairs during Kufuor era as “criminals” In my next article I will provide you all the details of how they did it because many NPP members think Akufo Addo is a tough guy with the NDC but that is not true. They are all his friends including Attah Mills. He and they have smoked-together drunk together since 1979.

Akufo Addo and Yaw Osafo Maafo are hypocrites. Their utterances put in peril the NPP’s victory in the 2012 general elections. During Yaw Osafo Maafo’s speech at Agona East constituency, he launched a blistering criminal attack on the Ashanti’s within the NPP. Yaw Osafo Maafo and his Akufo Addo castigated the Ashanti’s by saying to the entire NPP delegates that the persecution of the NPP Ashanti elites is not Akyem peoples business or their concern. The Ashanti’s have their own problems that they have to deal with themselves. The majorities of NPP delegates were shocked and disbelieved what they were hearing from Akufo Addo and his cronies. Please NPP members, nobody should take my word: if you don’t believe me ask anybody or the delegates who were at the venue where Akufo Addo and Yaw Osafo Maafo were addressing the delegates to find out the truth. Now the question is, is this the man that NPP delegates should elect to lead the party for the 2012 general elections? The answer is no!. This Akufo Addo, is very divisive and trabalistic. This man cannot, should not lead this organization under all circumstances.

However, when Yaw Osafo Maafo was Minister of Finance there were so many dubious activities that went on and yet John Agyekum Kufuor did not arrest him but instead asked him to leave. Then again Kufuor made him Minister for sports and youth. He stole a lot of money, which he was finally got him fired from the NPP cabinet position. I have said before and I will say it again among all the NPP past Ministers this idiot Yaw Osafo Maafo is the richest men. Now he has the nerve to call Ashanti’s criminals. NPP can win the general election in Ghana at anytime without these Akyems. The motives of these Akyems as they said before no Ashanti men will ever become a president that was their wish. That was motive. That is why they destroyed Victor Owusu’s chances in 1979 by dividing the UP tradition votes.

The question to the entire NPP members is: how many populations of these Akyems are in Ghana? They are not even two hundred thousand (200,000). The Eastern Region is made of different ethnic groups; mainly the Ashanti’s the Ewes, Fantes and some decedents of Northern Region. So why should the NPP tolerated all this nonsense from these criminal mafia Akyems within the party?. Now Akufo Addo and Yaw Osafo Maafo are calling Ashanti’s “ criminals” but when the election comes, they wanted the Ashanti’s criminal to vote for Akyem men to become president and rule them. This is very sad indeed. As a result of Akufo Addo’s assertions against the Ashanti who hold the strong voting block behind the NPP, NPP delegates should refuse and reject the nomination of Akufo Addo and Yaw Osafo Maafo. They need to be stopped before August 7, 2010. If not the NPP is doomed. The only person who will unify the NPP and win power for the NPP in 2012 general election is Alan Kwadwo Kyeremateng. The Ashanti’s will never again vote for Akufo Addo including the people of Brong Ahafo because of what they did to Stephen Ntim at Kumasi. They have seen the true colors of this 70 –year-old man Akufo Addo and Yaw Osafo Maafo’s motives.

From: Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)