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Opinions of Saturday, 7 April 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP Silenced, Intimidated and Chased out of Odododiodoo

...Electoral Areas by NDC Vanderpuiye

Indeed, power has gone to the dogs. When I hear and read about the machismo in display at certain electoral areas, especially Odododiodoo constituency in Accra, all that I can truthfully say or imagine is, power has gone to the dogs.

One Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye, a parliamentary aspirant on the ticket of NDC is behaving as though he possesses the ultimate power to make or break the electoral processes in Odododiodoo. He is behaving like Carl Wilson who once had magical software to detect vehicles stolen from overseas and shipped to Ghana. Carl Wilson ended up confiscating and sharing the cars among NDC gurus on fraud-intent premise that the Ghanaian importers had stolen them. Mr. Vanderpuiye on the other hand, claims to have sensorial capability to tell who resides in Odododiodoo and therefore has the right to register to vote in that Constituency. He seizes the registration cards of those he suspects not to be Ghanaians nor reside in Odododiodoo. He threatens to rain brimstone on such people if they dare register there or even come to Odododiodoo during the registration exercise.

What are the Electoral Commissioner and the police doing about the seeming intimidation and prevention of those perceived by Vanderpuiye as NPP supporters from registering and eventually voting in Odododiodoo come December 7, 2012? What are the fears driving him to that sort of political madness directed at enhancing his chances of winning the Constituency not only for himself but also for the NDC on a silver platter? If he is seeking election on merit, why then is he breaking the electoral guidance or rules in place? He is only empowered by the electoral guidance to fill in a "Challenge form" where he suspects a prospective voter to be a foreigner, under age or ineligible to vote for a reason or the other. He has absolutely no right to seize registered person's card, or drive them away from voting through intimidation or persecution of some sort.

I pray the Electoral Commissioner to halt the entire biometric registration process at Odododiodoo until all the associated umpteen absurdities are resolved. The Electoral Commission should not allow anyone to attempt to rig the election through fraudulent intimidation as in exhibition by Nii Lante Vanderpuiye, the NDC parliamentary candidate. These acts of intimidations if left unchecked but covertly sanctioned by President Mills, can lead Ghana into unpalatable political territory full of tension and able to culminate in war. The earlier President Mills and the Electoral Commissioner stepped in to redress the issue, much the better. "A stitch in time saves nine"

Nii Lante Vanderpuiye should stop being the usual naughty macho man or else, his beard will be burning long before he realises. Ghana does not need strongmen but strong institutions as once advised by American President Barack Obama when he stood in Parliament to deliver a powerful speech on his official visit to Ghana.

In the same vein, I will advise the NPP not to suffer a fool kindly. The Electoral Commissioner should not countenance Vanderpuiye's newfound nonsensical power that permits him to get away with blue murder. It seems in President Mills' Ghana any idiot from the NDC camp is always right no matter what.

I cannot fathom why the NDC are getting rampageous about the biometric registration. If they have actually done well, achieved gargantuan projects and success unmatched in the political and economic history of Ghana, why then these daily nonsensical acts of intimidations. The NPP should deal with such situations professionally swiftly without further hues and cries.

I have not much time on my hands to continue writing in lamentation about the NDC's deplorable and intimidating behaviour. I have other better things doing. I am going to redirect my strength at educating Ghanaians to be politically mature. I have to advise my fellow Ghanaians how to vote sensibly come December 2012.

Am I also as bad as those I lambast by being that harsh? I do not know. Like me or hate me. I shall always be frank and call a spade a spade regardless of any concomitant animosity to come to bear upon me. The truth really hurts but its aftermath is all comfort.

I wish all my readers worldwide a Merry Easter.
