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Opinions of Thursday, 20 August 2009

Columnist: Confidence, Abdulai Hanan R.

NPP, Stop This Lawlessness!

The NPP must give us a break of their nonsensical attempts to obstruct justice. This brazen display of arrogance is not going to help them out. But they shouldn’t forget that the lawlessness and notoriety of the NPP contributed generously to their defeat in the last elections. So, I had expected them to learn a bit of decorum and respect the rule of law at least for once.

The NPP must wake up from their slumber because the days they use to remote-control the security to gratify their iniquitous whims is over. NPP must know that these criminal attitudes they are displaying towards the national security is a recipe for chaos. For when persuasions fail, force must be applied. And when force is applied........

Asabee is not the first person to be invited to the BNI in Ghana’s political history and he is certainly not going to be the last. So, what at all prompted the lawless crooks of the NPP headed by Ohene Ntow to throng the BNI offices to cause mayhem? This was utter irresponsibility and lawlessness at its peak for the attempt made by the NPP protestors to disarray the BNI from performing their statutory duties.

Asabee was not abducted by the BNI, but arrested and detained under the presence of his counsels. And as a matter of fact, the whole world knew where Asabee was. Besides that Asabee is a protagonist of an on-going criminal investigation. Why the hue and cry!

The NPP can’t make the country ungovernable. The BNI is not a syndicate. Better and innocent people have gone through it without any cause for alarm. And your own Frank Agyekum, former deputy Minister of Information, described the BNI as VERY FRIENDLY after his first encounter with them.

NPP, your tricks will all fail. Justice will be duly administered to anyone who violated the holy laws of the land either by ‘their’ actions and inactions.

The most irritating aspect of the this ILLEGAL protest is the fact that these lawless crooks set fires on lorry tyres on roads as well as burnt AMA refuse bins per Metro TV report. I am astounded that responsible party members could do such nonsense oblivious of the inconvenience that it might cause to other citizens.

When Kojo Mpiani, the chief mourner, was invited by the BNI for briefings, these same crooks went to the BNI offices with machete, clubs, stones and other offensive weapons to exhibit their inherited barbarity – BNI’s doors were banged, stones were hurled into the office compound, the walls were scale with machetes and a number of Senseless Crazinesses.

This madness of the NPP is a clear indication that they don’t want to account their stewardship to the good people of Ghana for everywhere you go it is corruption waa waa! But they should simply calm down because “one day for thief man, another day for the master”. If a ball of kenkey stealers are getting over five years sentences, then no morally-upright person should find problem with GH¢86,000 potential looter detainee. And perhaps if these supposed looted monies were used judiciously, these kenkey stealers would have been non-existence.

This is 21st century world and the NPP ought to discard the uncouth politicking tactics of their nicodemus ancestors for it is out of harmony with time. The state institutions must be allowed to do their constitutional/mandatory assignments. The impression that the President remotes the BNI is a childish thought. If President Mills was manning the BNI, then the Asabees would have being senior inmates at Nsawam. The NPP needs to reconsider their stupid actions for the better of all peace-loving Ghanaians.

The Christ of Ghana’s Democracy was detained by the BNI for more than ten hours without any recourse to the court. NDC as law-abiding citizens didn’t throng the BNI office to protest and trouble. Is Asabee a better Ghanaian than Dr. Flt. Lit. (Retd) Jerry John Rawlings? Hell No!

E.T. Mensah, former Minister of Youth and Sports, was hurled to the BNI and thrown into the BNI mosquito’s cell. What was E.T. Mensah’s crime? It was not a dubious contract he awarded, but a mere statement he made regarding May 9 stadium disaster. And that was enough a crime to sleep in mosquito’s cell. The list goes on and on! Yet the NDC never besieged the BNI office with weapons and malice.

So, who is Asabee such that his detention by a state institution sparks this kind of dissonance? A Ghanaian like you and I, and perhaps “Ghanaianlet”

However, I deeply regret the death of Salisu Maikanka, a protestor who is alleged to have died as a result of inhalation of tear gas. But I am not least surprise about him being Muslim because NPP over the years use northern youth and zongo Muslim youth to explore their way out. I had expected someone by name Kofi Mensah or better still Asabee’s consanguine.

Under strict moral grounds his death can be described as suicide because it was an ILLEGAL protest that sought to destabilise others and create mayhem. I have on many platforms stated that no politician of any standing can convince me to lawlessness of any sort. Why should I die for someone’s sins? However, I call on the Attorney General to charge Ohene Ntow for manslaughter because Maikanka’s death is as a result of his vicious and illegitimate arrangements.

The NPP organised a bunch of yahoos who fail to reason that illegal protest never ends without casualties or victims. Iran, Honduras, Iceland et cetera recently had their fair share of lawless protest. So, methinks the Police should be commended for handling these rampagers professionally because no casualty was recorded on the ground of protest.

I blame the NPP for Maikanka’s death because they could organised their ILLEGAL protest in a more decent manner without going mad and pyromania with their arsenals. Besides that they could opt for more viable and legitimate alternative by organising a quick demo as warranted by Rawlings-blessed Public Order Act.

In a little digress, the rule of law must be allowed to work without any hypocrisy from the so-called religious institutions. Political criminal or whatever criminal ought to be treated equally because we are of the same height before the law.

Once again, the lawlessness must be stopped! The law of the pachyderm is dead and buried for good! No more Hooliganism! Okay?


Abdulai Hanan R. Confidence Tertiary Institutions Network [P.R.O.] Tamale [email protected]