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Opinions of Friday, 31 January 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP and Agyepong to Settle Differences for the Sake of…….

? Out of frustration, love for his country and party, Hon Kennedy Agyepong, a Member of Parliament for Assin Central, is gradually but unconsciously compelled to becoming a stigmatized loquacious entity. ? I sympathise with him much as he shows true love for his party and country. In spite of his current threats to form his own party were the current NPP Executives retained, which action of his I find completely incongruous with the party’s principles and rules, we should be prudent not to denigrate his character. ? However, he has to be shown love and accorded attention. I am going to reason with Kennedy, citing analogical instances in case that can help soften his heart. His current rigid opinion and stance to splitting from the NPP in an event of the old NPP National Executives retaining their positions after the party’s internal elections scheduled for 1 February 2014 must be addressed carefully. ? It is said, "You do not bite the finger that feeds you". The NPP must be very careful the way they treat Kennedy. Kennedy on the other hand must be careful the way he relates to the party and her rules and regulations. ? Kennedy should please note the following. A man called Bernard Tapie rose to become an extremely rich person in France in the 1980s. He became the owner of Marseilles FC where Ghana football ace Abedi Pele was a contracted footballer. He became a Minister during the presidency of the late President Francois Mitterrand. He was a member of the French Socialist Party of which President Mitterrand was the leader. ? Bernard Tapie for unexplained reasons decided to split from the Socialist Party to form his own party same as it is the intention of my younger brother and party member Kennedy Agyepong. Barely a few years into the formation of his party when Bernard Tapie was exposed by embittered elements within the Socialist party. ? The Bank loans that he had taken which had made him excessively rich in the eyes of many in the world were exposed. The Bankers started going after him for the repayment of the loans. In a twinkle of an eye, Bernard Tapie had fallen from grace to grass. Everything he had including his many expensive paintings were seized and auctioned to defray his debts to the banks. In no time, he had become poor and declared himself bankrupt. ? Bernard Tapie fell but the Socialist party has always been around and is currently in government with Francois Hollande as the current President of the Republic of France. ? The other instance is where the late former Head of State, General Akwasi Amankwaah Afrifa, was alleged to have persuaded William Ofori Atta, alias Paa Willie, to split from the Popular Front Party (PFP) headed by Victor Owusu. Paa Willie formed his United National Convention (UNC) party to contest the 1979 national elections. He was the presidential candidate for his party. ? The action taken by Paa Willie did not earn him the presidency but it also cost PFP the winning votes. PFP could not garner enough votes to win the election. Victor Owusu never became the president of Ghana but died a miserable person after Rawlings in pursuit of his diabolical intentions towards the Ashantis imprisoned him for no apparent reason. ? If Paa Willie had not split from PFP, the PFP could have won the elections with Victor Owusu becoming the President of Ghana. For the actions of Paa Willie, whether good or bad, which I leave to posterity to judge, the People’s National Party (PNP) of Hilla Limann won the elections. ? The action by Kennedy Agyepong if it becomes reality will be comparable to following the regrettable footsteps of the UNC. Afrifa was never pardoned by the Ashantis and Paa Willie’s behaviour has always been haunting some people within the NPP. ? "It does not belong to he who is leading to redirect their steps". I hope I have cued Kennedy in on what is expected of him in this critical economic and financial problematic period confronting Ghana. ? I expect not only Kennedy but anyone within the NPP to behave responsibly. They have to cooperate among themselves. They must communicate to avoid similar surprises and regrets as just mentioned above. ? A WORD TO THE WISE IS ENOUGH. ? Rockson Adofo