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Opinions of Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP are too Complacent - I hate that!

I am throwing a challenge to NPP to prove to me that they are not complacent. I have warned, and will continue to warn the NPP and Nana Akuffo-Addo repeatedly that complacency does not acquire anyone the necessary winning votes. I want them to hit the road, doing door-to-door campaign disseminating Nana's messages of hope and policies to implement to alleviate Ghanaians of their untold hardships.

I advise the NPP gurus to proceed to the villages, the hinterlands to chase every single vote they can lay hands on. They are to bring themselves to the level of the people they meet. There should be casual interaction between the emissaries of the NPP and their audience.

I will advise the NPP and Nana Akuffo-Addo not to sit on their lap thinking the castigations of the NDC and President Mills by former President Rawlings are sufficient to cripple the NDC at elections 2012. The incompetence of President "Do Little" Ata Mills is all too obvious for even the fool to see and feel but we need to emphasise on it to our audience when doing the house-to-house campaigning. His laissez-faire attitude that allows his State Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Communication team members to commit repugnant acts or usurp his Executive powers as and when they desire must be stressed. He is not in control but controlled by his first-time schoolboy-politicians. We can tell all this to our audience or those we contact aiming to obtain their precious votes by honest means.

NPP, Nana Akuffo-Addo and their sympathisers have an awful lot of job to do. Winning elections December 7, 2012 is not as easy as counting A B C D. It entails a lot of hard work and dedication.

We need to understand the people, know their needs to address them. We need to re-assure the electorates that under Nana Akuffo-Addo, there will be no selective justice based on your political affiliation or social status, no any dubious judgment debt payments to party cronies, as it is the case with Alfred Agbesi Woyome. There will be no official corruption or the bloating of costs of government contracts by party members who intend to return part of the profit to accrue to the party in what is a kickback. Party members and Ghanaians will be encouraged to report on those engaged in official corruption. The government of Nana Akuffo-Addo will not tolerate acts of corruption by whomever and will not hesitate to prosecute those involved in such corruptible acts.

There will be free education to the Senior Secondary School level. They should explain how that is not only feasible but also achievable. All money to pay under fictitious circumstances as judgment debts, bloating the costs of contracts and mismanagement of petrol revenue will cease. This will free money to pay for the free education as has been proposed by Nana Akuffo-Addo.

As I take no pleasure in over-confidence where we leave things to take care of themselves, which often do not yield the desired results, I am forming my Movement - VENUS to do exactly as I expect of other NPP members, activists and sympathisers.

Many people are saying the NPP are not good at campaigning unlike the CPP and the NDC. This is all because the NPP take maximum comfort in the number of audience and spectators turning up at their City rallies. Such rallies do not win the needed votes. Add door-to-door, man-to-man visits to the gargantuan open public campaign rallies.

Please do not underestimate the daring performance to put up by the NDC at elections 2012. Since they are the incumbent party and government, they have comparative advantage over the NPP. It will take the NPP and Nana Akuffo-Addo extremely hard work to capture both the presidency and parliamentary majority in the December 2012 polls. The NDC are good at buying votes and feeding the public with lies through their effective propaganda machine. We need to watch out. This is the more reason why from President Mills right through to their village foot soldier say very unperturbedly that they have already won the re-election. The NDC government have borrowed so much money from the Chinese to embark on a pre-election spending spree to woo voters. They want to fool the Ghanaian voters into thinking that they have cleared all the hurdles to pave way for achieving President Mills' Better Ghana Agenda. It is all farce!

Encourage more people to join my VENUS, as I will advise adherents to visit the remote areas to interact with those who possess the winning votes to woo them over to Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP.

As it is the Motto of a UK supermarket with international ramifications, TESCO, "Every little helps" so should it be the Motto of the NPP that "Every single vote counts"

Finally, the NPP will eschew complacency I would hope. I will lead the way with my VENUS (Volunteers Ensuring Nana's Ultimate Success) movement to garner more winning votes for Nana Akuffo-Addo during the December 7, 2012 elections.

SOURCES RADIO UK, please help to propagate my message to all your listeners the world over.

Rockson Adofo