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Opinions of Saturday, 7 October 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

NPP delegates to beware of the decision they make on 4 November, 2023

NPP flag | File photo NPP flag | File photo

The future of Ghana, whether it goes well or bad, depends on the direction of the vote made by the NPP delegates in choosing their flagbearer-cum-presidential-candidate for the general election in 2024.

Assuming without admitting the circulating news that a particular candidate is bent on greasing the palms of the delegates to vote for him, why at all should a candidate dream of towing that line if he considers himself more qualified to lead the country?

In the unlikely event of each delegate being paid the least sum of Ghc2,000.00 to induce them to vote for a particular candidate, I am asking such bribe takers, how long will it last them?

Do they prefer enjoying for a week or two, taking that bribe of say, Ghc2,000.00, to having a job that earns them a livelihood for many years, if not for life?

Why not vote for an honest person who has a verifiable track record of creating jobs and employing people? Why not vote for a person who is visionary, honest, fair, sympathetic, firm and can strictly enforce obedience to the laws of the land?

Ghanan’s number one problem causing the lawlessness, indiscipline, official corruption, and the other numerous crimes ongoing in the country is the lack of enforcement of the laws. Therefore, for Ghana and the citizens therein to prosper to live a much better life, we had better get a leader who can ensure that laws are obeyed.

Out of the two leading flagbearer contestants in NPP, Dr. Bawumia and Kennedy Agyapong, Kennedy stands taller in the qualities specified above.

NPP delegates, please don’t be selfish. Don’t think about the bribe money that you will get as individuals to make a wrong choice when you go to the polls on 4 November 2023.

It is not any secret that the delegates are being induced with money to vote for a particular person, the wrong choice of course, in this moment where things are falling apart in Ghana with the centre unable to hold.

Playing tribal and religious politics is not the panacea or antidote to the socio-politico-economic problems engulfing Ghana. The remedy is choosing the correct candidate.

Again, possessing chains of higher paper qualifications is not an indication of capability and ability to govern well. It is he who has verifiably demonstrated ability pivoted on vision, sincerity, honesty, fairness, firmness, and farsightedness that is needed in Ghana as future president after the exit of President Nana Akufo-Addo from the presidency.

Most Ghanaians are calling for Kennedy. Therefore, the NPP delegates that form a tiny fraction of the nationwide electorate, should please not let the nation down by the little money that will be offered you to make a wrong choice.

The nation’s water bodies, arable and fertile lands, forests, etc. have come under intentional devastation yet, we have a government and leaders that keep watching and are incapable of doing anything decisive to stop it. However, the mentioned things are elements of life.

What a shame, the nonsensical direction from above to the nationwide NPP delegates to vote in one direction, thus, for a particular candidate.

I am for Ghana first before the political party. If Ghana prospers, your party and you will stand to gain. If your party prospers, it may not lead to your personal prosperity or that of Ghana.

From the prevailing conditions in the country, it is never true that if we vote for a particular candidate, most of his tribal extraction and religious faith members will vote massively for NPP to win the election 2024.

We must try to live above that parochial belief that has ruined the entirety of Africa, preventing our continental prosperity.

Kennedy Agyapong is currently the answer to Ghana’s problems so the delegates, make ye no mistake.

If they offer you money, take it but if you go to cast your vote where you are alone by yourself, do the needful by considering who and what is best for Ghana.

We should live above the politics of he is my relative, he is from my town, he is from my tribe, etc., to vote for he who is competent, honest, fair, firm and dedicated to serving his people and country.

Is there any better person than Kennedy Ohene Agyapong? I don’t think so!

Rockson Adofo is watching you from far away in Britain and is abreast with all that is happening as regards the impending 4 November 2023 NPP flagbearer election.