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Opinions of Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Columnist: Andrews Krow

NPP government and car lies

Cars Cars

Once again the NPP is seeking a diversion from the US$2.25 billion Ken Ofori Atta - Templeton bond saga among others.

They did a similar thing when their backs were against the wall after the disgraceful January 7 plagiarized speech by President Akufo Addo.

That was about President Mahama's residence contrary to an agreement between Nana Akufo Addo and John Mahama in the presence of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene,

In the heat of the disgraceful attacks by their Invisible Forces, Delta Forces and Mission Impossible Forces (Western Region) etc, the Flagstaff House threw in cars, duly accounted for by the Mahama government, as missing to confuse the citizenry until clarity was brought to the matter by the former Deputy Chief of Staff, Jonny Osei Kofi in a comprehensive statement which was issued earlier this year.

This time!

Another too convenient a diversion is being introduced just at the time the government is taking a huge amount of flak for its incompetence in several spheres of governance. Cars are imported by MDA's for official purposes. They are not personal properties.

If National Security ordered the vehicles, without recourse to the incoming government, as NPP wants the world to believe, which is not even entirely accurate, what is wrong with that? Particularly as the NPP itself kept complaining about how President Akufo Addo was being disadvantaged by the non availability of bullet proof vehicles fit for presidential purposes.

The fact remains that at the level of some members of the Finance and Security groups during the transition, this matter was extensively discussed with good faith contrary to NPP's lies. Some changes were even made to the specifications along the line. These vehicles even include that of the Vice President, First Lady and Second lady- non of them are NDC.

It is also emerging that some NPP functionaries (names withheld for now) even flew to Dubai to inspect the vehicles.

The question we should be asking is at this time why is this news?

How many weeks ago didn't we hear the NPP saying that FSH was in such a poor state that President Akufo Addo didn't have any cars fit for purpose to drive in?

Now they are saying there actually are brand new vehicles and they are in Dubai?

If you assemble all the false stories they have put out on cars, we see a government that intends to rewrite history to suit their narrow and negative media agenda against the NDC.

Adding President Mahama's name to the issue is just to create a diversion from the bond issue, among others with the hope that President Akufo Addo's inability to engender public confidence in the ability of his government to provide safety and security for all citizens will be swept under the carpet.

The NPP has abrogated many contracts including dismissing hardworking Ghanaian workers since they came into office. If they genuinely feel strongly about these vehicles issue let them abrogate the contract like they have done in several instances.

Failure to do so only means they participated in the importation of the vehicles and are too eager to have the vehicles for use now than ever; but are only looking for the NDC to blame.