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Opinions of Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP is Pushed to the Wall But......

The unfolding, although tactically planned events to scupper the dreams of the NPP and all discerning Ghanaians will come to no avail, by the grace of the living God.

All available, credible pointers do confirm beyond reasonable doubt that Election 2012 was planned to be rigged, and hence, the planners collusively with the executors did rig it in their favour.

The Electoral Commission that should have been neutral standing alone to defend herself against the allegation of rigging the election in favour of John Dramani Mahama as preferred against her, is rather in bed with the other two respondents. Dr Afari Gyan, the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, is joyously performing somersaults with Mahama and the NDC at which same time he has joined hands with them and is in ambuscade, hoping for the NPP to venture into their trap-inundated territory.

Anyway, the hopeless attempts by the NDC and John Mahama to hang on to power by faulting members of the NPP for contempt of Court will never culminate in the materialisation of their wishful thinking. It is only in Africa and particularly Ghana, that such "stealers" without comparison would be pampered and encouraged to stay in power. No wonder that our White contemporaries have less or no respect for the African or the Blackman in general.

Lots of criminal acts have been committed by the NDC since the late President Atta Mills' government until today; collusive ceding of GHC51.2 million to Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the Ghanaian swindler of the century, furtively invading the nation's coffers through GYEEDA. The NDC are afraid that they will be held to account for causing intentional affliction of financial haemorrhage on the country through open thievery as cited above.

The respondents manipulating their agents and assigns are praying to trigger the anger of the NPP to respond in equal measure to their calculatedly set acts of mischief. Once that happens, they will run to the Supreme Court to inform Presiding Justice Atuguba and his colleagues how the NPP are flouting their orders not to behave or speak in contempt of their Court, personality or behaviour.

Is the above not exactly what they have done to land mouthy Sir John and audacious Hopeson Adorye in trouble? No matter how many mischievous plots they hatch, and how far they go in their attempts to keep Mahama in power, the Almighty God has kicked him out spiritually already. It will soon materialize for all eyes to bear witness to how God is truthful.

Did God not briefly reveal hidden facts about Election 2012 to one Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben many days before the Election Day? Will the same God who reveals to redeem not do exactly as revealed once the NPP have kept their part of the deal – remaining RESOLUTE?

The corruption by the NDC government and party cannot be allowed to continue forever. Their time is up to exit the political scene to save Ghana from unnecessary lethal socio-politico-economic haemorrhage.

I entreat the Supreme Court judges to be vigilant that they do not fall for the trickeries by the NDC. They should not fall for their baits as it goes with regrettable consequences if they did.

The world expects the Supreme Court judges sitting on Election 2012 case to be more professional in their verdict declaration. They should not be influenced by partisanship, inducement of bribe and attractions of legal technicalities and case laws very unrelated to the crucial needs and aspirations of Ghanaians to pronounce a judgment that will compound the suffering of the masses.

Ghanais sitting on a ticking civil war time bomb but God is preventing it from exploding by His Mighty Hand and love for Ghanaians. Should we be that silly to ignite it, then do not blame God but the Supreme Court judges for failing to tell the truth as is expected by the majority of Ghanaians consequent upon their decisions formed after viewing the live telecast of the Court proceedings.

In the Fire Triangle, we already have Oxygen, Fuel and the Supreme Court will be the Heat needed to set off the combustion. Will they unconsciously or consciously set alight the nation, the ensuing conflagration of which, will consume both lives and properties?

No matter how hard the NDC with their agents and assigns push the NPP to the wall, the NPP will bounce back several times mightier and higher to defeat the evil in the NDC. Are the NDC aware of the much advertised Kofi Basoah's dream? God had declared the outcome of this case even before Election 2012 was held on 7 & 8 December 2012. This assertions is affirmed by Kofi Basoah's dream.

In God we trust. The battle is still the Lord's!

Rockson Adofo