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Opinions of Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Columnist: Hardi, Ibrahim

NPP may be on death bed, the solution may be Paul Afoko and Kwabena Ayepong

Joseph Goebbels the Nazi propagandist was a master at deception and twisting facts. He would build an entire hate campaign on the basis of twisted and convoluted facts. His greatest strength was persistence. He opined that a lie repeated often enough would soon become a truth in public perception.

This is what Ghana is witnessing today in the New Patriotic party leadership struggle where a contending force has decided to eliminate competition by peddling lies and half-truths. They are so desperate for power that they will use any means possible to destroy any possible contender who may frustrate their desperate hold on power and the protection it accords them for the crimes for which they will inevitably pay. A lot has been said about the leadership of New Patriotic Party(Npp). The media has actually not been helpful because most of the journalists have taken sides. One fact is that Mr. Paul Afoko,Sammy Crabbe,Kwabena Agyei Agyepong have not been bought by the National Democratic Congress(Ndc). The gentlemen just want a strong npp.

People who want a weaker npp have taken advantage to label them sell outs. I have had time to talk to their loyalist and wish to talk to them personally. I'm told Kwabena Agyepong is between U.K and U.S visiting tourism sites and other important places and meeting concern Ghanaian people over there. I had the chance of listened to Paul Afoko on kwasi Pratt program HOT issues on TV3 and Kwabena Agyepong on other media networks.
Most of their support base I talk to said,those who know Kwabena Agyei Agyepong and Paul Afoko very well know that they can not be bought by the National Democratic Congress. One serious issue the npp underrated and do not take serious was that,by the time the Npp NEC was stripping the three bigwigs of their titles, hundreds of npp Members across the country were secretly resigning or losing interest in their party affairs. In northern region precisely Tamale for example,if you are supporter of Paul Afoko or Kwabena Agyepong, you either keep shut or stay away from some party gatherings other than that,beatings and insults awaits you when you step foot to the gathering. In Bolgatanga,Navrongo,Sandema,Paga in the Upper East region of Ghana where Paul Afoko hails from npp member set a time period waiting to join the Ndc,if things are not put on track. Personally,I was there and wish I have the chance of visiting other part of the country to have a conversation with npp party faithfuls. But I can tell you,those that I had the chance to talk to both on social media and telephone calls said,they are lacing their footwear waiting to see what positive decision again the party will come out with. Most of their stand are resolute and no turning back until Paul Afoko and Kwabena Agyei Agyepong are reinstate.

The fact is that a lot of home work has to be done because president John Mahama would not like to defeat a divided Npp. Npp are facing a lot of crises and accusing others of being bought when you can not look at other people’s concerns is not the solution.

Npp may be on its death bed. The solution may be with Paul Afoko,the suspended Npp National Chairman and Kwabena Agyei Agyepong,the suspended Npp General Secretary. Ibrahim Hardi,contact 0208235615,Email;[email protected]