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Opinions of Saturday, 15 December 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP must be Resolute in their Fight

... to Ensure Justice is done

In the absence of justice, there can never be any viable peace. However, in Ghana, our opinion leaders and policy makers preach and aspire for peace in the vacuum of justice. This is absolutely unfair and a hindrance to the prevalence of actual peace. No sustainable peace can be attained where hypocrisy, injustice, and the lack of fortitude on the part of our leaders and their supporters to ascribe to the truth, tell the truth, and ensure the truth takes precedence over untruths and injustice.

From what I saw and was aware of while in Ghana during the just ended 2012 electioneering campaign, I can declare without mincing words that the election was not free and fair as contrarily being trumpeted in certain circles and by certain dubious people and organizations. It could be free and fair by the standard and understanding of the corrupt and decrepit mentality of the Ghanaian and the African. This disgraceful and outrageous mentality is overwhelmingly determined by the high level of the prevailing ruinous illiteracy that has robbed many of their little God-endowed intelligence.

The Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, exhibited his unprofessional partiality right from the very inception of the organisation of the year 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections. From carving out the forty-five new constituencies through to declaring the election results, he was found depicting completely roguish favouritism towards the Mahama/Armissah-Arthur –led NDC party and government. Is it not for a dubious reason that he refused the Ghana media special voting rights this year? I will be elaborating on certain points in the course of publishing my observations and views in the coming days, weeks and months.

I will call on all right-thinking Ghanaians to support any genuine cause to ensuring justice is done with regards to the court action the NPP are instituting against the Electoral Commission. Fairness and justice must always be the cardinal pivots on which the major decisions to move Ghana and Africa forward revolve. Without those, there can never be true peace, transparency, accountability and probity. Our quest for the just mentioned values will just be gimmicks if without justice.

There is a glimmer hope for the majority of Ghanaians who currently feel let-down by the corruptible and unprofessional midget going by the name Kwadwo Afari-Gyan. I will advise them to unite, be resolute, and rally behind the legal fight to ensure the truth emerges regardless the decision already taken by the Electoral Commissioner.

About two weeks to the Election Day, one Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben, revealed to a group of four people of which I was one, a dream he had the night before. Prior to narrating his dream, he asserted that his dreams always come to pass exactly as dreamt or seen. I then made a joke saying; make sure you do not dream about seeing me dead because I am not ready to die yet. We all laughed it off. He then narrated his dream as following. He saw in his dream that the 2012 election results had been declared by the Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan. A small group of NDC people around was jubilant while a huge crowd of NPP was quiet and very sorrowful. He said the NPP would win from what he saw in the dream. I quickly cut in and asked, “Are you not the one that has just said your dreams always manifest exactly as unfolded when dreaming. Why are you telling me the NPP would win while the NDC people were rather those that were jubilating?” He asked us to hang on. He said, he went back to sleep shortly after briefly waking up after the dream. Just two hours into his sleep, he had a second dream where a voice told him three consecutive times saying, the NPP MUST BE RESOLUTE! He woke up again and dashed for his dictionary because he did not understand the meaning of the word. I told him RESOLUTE means FIRM. He confirmed the dictionary gave him the same explanation. Therefore, the second dream strengthens his conclusion that NPP was on track to winning the elections.

I made his dream and conclusion known to many days before the actual Election Day. Now, what is the aftermath of the election in relation to his dream? There is no justice in the world. Sorrowfully, we, especially Ghanaians, always prefer to grace evil rather than the truth. Instead of telling the truth as it is, we rather hide behind the smokescreen of peace to deny others justice. May we all bow down our heads in shame for helping to perpetrate and perpetuate election fraud in one way or the other, and for glaringly exhibiting the ignorance, cowardice, hypocrisy and stupidity of the Ghanaian/African in public in a broad daylight?

Rockson Adofo