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Opinions of Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Columnist: Ayeboafo, Yaw Awuah Boadu

NPP provides more social services in government

John Kufuor John Kufuor

The argument that all political parties are the same, that there is not a dime‘s worth of difference between the two major parties are difficult to show with research.

The NPP provide more social services and benefits to the people of Ghana than the NDC. The evidence largely shows decline in poverty levels during the NPP’s eight year rule. However, the propaganda and lies suggest otherwise.

The NDC love to speak about their social democratic values. However, it remains at the public speaking or propaganda stage. It is instructive to note that, welfare distribution is now disproportionate in Ghana than 2005/06 according to Ghana Living Standards Survey 6 (GLSS6) published in August 2014.

GLSS is published by the Ghana Statistical Service as an important tool in welfare monitoring in Ghana. GLSS6 is the sixth in the publication since 1987.

The report indicates increasing inequality and worsening welfare distribution under the NDC. It is difficult to disagree with the findings if one reflects soberly on the mismanagement of the social intervention, poverty reduction and family assistance programs embarked upon by the NPP between 2001/09 which reduced poverty and improved the livelihood of the people.

Ghanaians have a choice to reflect on the state, status and performance of the following interventions by the NPP under the current administration to understand the research:
Maternal Health Assistance
School Feeding Program
Capitation Grant
National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP)
Provision of allowances to teacher and nursing trainees

The above programs were implemented successfully under the NPP government. The evidence is clear and majority of Ghanaians bear witness to the fact that poverty was reduced among the vulnerable population and our majority rural brothers and sisters.

Cost of education is increasing among all localities. For instance; a national average of GHc 458.90 is spent on each member in the household attending school. Educational expenditure includes school and registration fees, food, boarding and lodging.

As election 2016 draws closer, the question Ghanaians ought to answer is: which party provides more social services and grows the economy? This question should be of particular importance to young and first time voters, students, parents and all Ghanaians who want to see a restoration of our social services through good management of our money.

It is ironic, the NDC’s poor administration affect majority of her supporters negatively apart from their few political greenhorns and babies with sharp teeth who work together with their masters to create, lot and share the peoples’ money.

The GLSS6 indicates that the Volta and Upper West regions experienced worsening welfare distribution between 2005/06 and 2012/13.

Let us kill the NDC’s propaganda. The NPP grows our economy, provide more social services to the people and fairly distribute our money; reducing inequality and increasing wellbeing among our brothers and sisters.

Let’s vote for Nana Akuffo-Addo and NPP, for more social services and pro-poor policies that benefit majority of Ghanaians.

Change is coming! Let’s make personal commitments towards change. We can make a difference.

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