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Opinions of Sunday, 2 November 2008

Columnist: Acquah, Henry

NPP's Dubious Peace Overtures

Who Believes Any Promises Of Akufo Addo’s NPP Anyway?

Nana Akufo Addo says his NPP has made a peace overture to the NDC and is waiting for a response from the latter.

O, how touching! How moving! How the NPP loves peace! An overture of peace? Is that a promise on the part of the NPP to do everything to ensure peace?

Let us examine the so called peace overture in greater detail. Is the NPP claiming that they do not know the real cause of the violence that is affecting the country?

Are they also making a peace overture to the widows and orphans left behind by Issa Mobila who was brutally tortured and killed under their watch and whose killers are still being shielded by the NPP government? Are they making an overture to the family of the 14 year old boy who was shot dead by Baba Nkagbo, an NPP hoodlum in Tamale- the same man that the NPP used their influence to take out of custody and have allowed to roam free on the streets today?

Are they making a peace overture to the family of the 80 year old sub chief of Gushiegu, who was recently clubbed to death by NPP criminals, who did not stop there but shot his dead body several times, carried his bloodied corpse and dumped it on a large heap of freshly harvested corn?

What about the scrap dealer and 30 year old Ayumba who were also murdered in cold blood by the NPP rabid gang of bloody criminals? Are they also being sent the peace olive branch?

Should we go on and mention the several people in Gushiegu whose stores and houses and properties were looted, destroyed and burnt to ashes? The list just goes on.

Now instead of addressing the core issue- which is the culture of impunity which continues to goad NPP thugs and criminals to go on rampage and shoot, kill, destroy and torch alive human beings and properties, NPP as usual resorts to the gimmick and the subterfuge of talking about a peace overture to the NDC. Peace overture? What about a truth and justice overture to the victims of these atrocities committed by NPP criminals who have no regard for the law because they know that once their government is in power, no one can touch them?

What about a truth and justice overture that will encourage the security forces to make sure that they do their duties with professionalism and impartiality- that they do not look on while thugs of the NPP go on committing mayhem?

In a nutshell, why is the NPP running from the core problem and pretending that the solution to the problem is some kind of discussion with the NDC?

Was the NDC there when violence broke out at the NPP Congress that elected Nana Akufo Addo? Violence precipitated by dangerous lies fabricated by Akufo Addo’s henchmen with tacit support from Lord Commey? Violence that would have led to the lynching of an innocent Paul Afoko but for the swift intervention of the police?

Was the NDC there when that violence spread like a cancerous virus into various parliamentary primaries of the NPP that turned into theatres of mayhem and bloody confrontation?

Is it NDC that created the criminal gang of armed tooting bandits called Action Troopers under the command of the National Organiser of the NPP?

So what is all this delusional talk about peace overture to the NDC? What Ghana needs is truth and justice and not some hypocritical claims about peace. Truth to come to terms with NPP’s innate violence that is responsible for the existence within the NPP of criminals led by the national organiser of the party- truth to deal with the violence that has engulfed NPP’s internal affairs right through their presidential and parliamentary congresses and beyond. Justice that will enable the NPP to give encouragement to enable the incarceration of NPP’s criminal hoodlums that have been behind all the crimes cited above and more. Justice that will bring about the arrest and punishment of not only those who killed Issa Mobila but those who teleguided and masterminded that horrendous crime.

When the NPP demonstrates this- when they wave this olive branch of truth and justice then the people of Ghana including the NDC will start believing the genuineness of their proclamations and know that the olive flower being presented by the NPP is not a “kulungugu” kind of olive bouquet of flowers.

More seriously, the fact that Nana Akufo Addo and his party do not understand that the people of Ghana do not trust their word and do not believe their promises is worrying indeed.

Do they expect Ghanaians to believe anything they say when they:

· Promised affordable houses and after eight years delivered none?

· Promised to replace slums and put up modern apartments with modern conveniences and delivered none?

· Promised to cut rice importation by 30% and have rather upped the import from $100 m to $400m and still moving forward?

· Promised to extend rail lines to the north and after eight years rather collapsed the sector?

· Promised to find jobs for the youths on the streets and after eight years are now presiding over the influx of not just youths but their parents and grand parents on the streets?

· Promised to bring about zero tolerance for corruption but have instead brought about the golden age of the same?

Do they expect Ghanaians to trust a man like Akufo Addo who is:

· Lying that his government has provided free education when parents are paying heavily for the education of their children because the 25 pesewas capitation grant is nothing to write home about?

· Lying that his government has provided free healthcare when the people are paying through NHIL, SSNIT Pensions in addition to annual premiums?

· Lying that his government is feeding all school children in Ghana when less than 10% are being fed?

· Lying that his government is transporting all school children when the buses are no where to be found?

· Lying that his government has constructed 27,000 km of roads when the truth is the very opposite

· Lying that he can transform Ghana into a first world country in four years when after 12 years as MP, his constituency has not seen any appreciable modernization and his government has not even accomplished the so called modernization of the capital city?

If the people of Ghana are not naive enough to believe all these many lies and empty promises

of the NPP why do Akufo Addo and NPP think that the NDC should be gullible enough to trust their obvious gimmick about peace? Overture of peace? Come on NPP! Start telling the truth and people will start trusting you and start doing business with you.

When even the daughter of Busia, the Founding Father of the NPP knows that the group is full of lies, double talk and cannot be trusted, why should the PNC, CPP, URP or NDC make the mistake of believing anything the NPP says?