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Opinions of Saturday, 5 January 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP seeking Power Sharing - alleges Kwesi Pratt

The loudly heard, or the most loquacious self-styled Social critic in Ghana, Mr. Honourable, but without Ministerial portfolio or Parliamentary seat, Kwesi Pratt, surmises the NPP is seeking power sharing with the NDC. His argument is solely based on "why should the NPP seek redress in court over Presidential Elections 2012?" To him, the fact that the NPP has gone to court over the alleged election fraud, means they intend sharing power with the NDC.

? I wonder if Kwesi Pratt is after all serious with some of his clearly infantile submissions on national and other issues of public interest. Why is he so intolerant, vituperative, accusative and threatening about the causes of the NPP in every sphere of Ghana's socio-politico-economic emancipation? By his very awkward attitudes, pronouncements and questionable flirtations with the NDC, is he not in bed with them to perpetuate or accentuate unimaginable scale of corruption in Ghana? I wonder how serious this person Kwesi Pratt is. Does he see all Ghanaians in his opaque retina as fools without gumption?

? How does he equate the NPP's action of seeking clarifications in court over the unprecedented gargantuan election infraction or fraud ever to be effected in the political history of Ghana, by the John Mahama's NDC government and party, to seeking power sharing? Has the NPP gone rampageous with guns, machetes, stones and sticks in hand battling their least trusted, incompetent and most corrupt political opponents, the NDC?

? No one has the right to stand up to defend their freedoms and rights when those more favourably placed are maliciously disenfranchising, robbing, or mistreating them. Is this not the import of Mr. Pratt's unfortunate allegation directed at misinforming the people in an attempt to justify Election 2012 presidential results even as fraudulent as they appear?

? We are not at the crossroads yet. We are not at any warfare yet. We are nowhere near Kigali or especially, Kenya or Zimbabwe. Where then does Kwesi Pratt his unfounded allegation that the NPP by their Supreme Court action is seeking power sharing with the NDC? The insatiably greedy NDC government and the dubious Electoral Commissioner have cunningly snatched away from the people of Ghana their wish for a change of government. I am not trying to impugn anyone's integrity but the attitude of Kwesi Pratt stinks.

? I hope we never get to the point of armed conflict to bring about any power sharing. Why cannot we remain patient, have confidence in the Supreme Court to investigate the alleged election fraud and finally declare their verdict following their findings? Kwesi Pratt with all his preposterousness cannot change the truth or influence the decision of the Supreme Court judges. The Judges will base their declaration of verdict on the truthfulness or the falsity of the allegation of election fraud as presented before them by the NPP against the NDC. All our shenanigans are meaningless, and cannot in anyway influence the Supreme Court's decision based on their credible findings, so Mr. Pratt takes note.

? The NDC with all those in their employ to cause confusion in Ghana by stealth will fail. I have said on several platforms and will continue to say it, that, no rational person would vote for the NDC considering the predominance of corruption within the party and government, let alone, their level of incompetence, mediocrity and visionless.

? Kwesi Pratt must begin to tell the truth. We are all not fools, those he tries to address, by jumping aimlessly from one radio studio to another spewing absolute thrash.

? Ghana will set precedence for all Africa democracies to follow, to eschew electoral fraud that brings about the outcome of power sharing for good. The Supreme Court will declare the winner-Presidential candidate regardless of any threats of any sort by anybody.

? Kwesi Pratt, steel yourself for serious Supreme Court declaration shock.

? Rockson Adofo ? ? ?