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Opinions of Sunday, 13 December 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NPP to Keep Sanctioning the Saboteurs and the NDC Moles Within!

Rockson Adofo is ready to help with any attempts to putting heads together to do damage control in NPP after the suspension of some obvious saboteurs doubling as detractors and NDC moles from the party, if the need arose.

What is damage control, some reading public may ask? Damage control is simply the process of limiting the damaging effects of an action or mistake.

The indefinite suspension of Messrs Paul Afoko, Kwabena Agyei Agyepong and Sammy Crabbe constitutes a wrong in the minds of some like-minded evil persons still holding positions in NPP. Subsequently, they may be determined to do acts to undermine NPP and her leadership in the hope of achieving their long hidden agenda which is to cause the defeat of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo in election 2016. It is by this that a need may arise for the lovers of NPP and the teeming suffering Ghanaians to put heads together to mitigate the effects of their would-be actions.

Tired as I am today, I would not have bothered myself putting out my views had it not been for an opinion expressed by Nana Ohene Ntow, the NPP 2nd Vice Chairman in the aftermath of the indefinite suspension of Kwabena Agyepong and Sammy Crabbe from their positions in NPP.

From a publication on Ghanaweb under its General News of Friday, 11 December 2015 titled, "NPP sanctions discriminatory – Ohene Ntow", Nana Ohene Ntow has stated without mincing words, thus, "I have no doubt in my mind that developments have been clearly towed along pro-Kufuor and pro-Akufo-Addo lines...discipline appear to be meted out in a discriminatory manner. They have been more on factional lines than objective, legal and constitutional lines".

Is it not said, and generally accepted that an action speaks louder than words? Did Ohene Ntow not see the deplorable daily actions put up by those suspended leaders while they were in post? Were their actions not directed at causing divisions, perpetual wrangling, and disrespect for the party's flag bearer and finally the defeat of NPP and her flag bearer in the upcoming 2016 general elections?

Has Ohene Ntow himself been sleeping on post hence did not see the damaging actions and pronouncements and their effects by the mentioned suspended individuals? Is Ohene Ntow himself a credible person at all to hold his position that is meant to help NPP win power to alleviate the socio-economic hardships faced by the majority of Ghanaians?

If Ohene Ntow believes that the sanctioning is purely along factional lines within NPP, then I put it to him that he has confirmed the worst nightmare of some people who previously suspected that it is former President Kufour who has been instigating the wrangling in the party to cause Nana Akufo Addo's defeat in election 2016.

Even a child could tell that the actions by those individuals were purposely to bring about the defeat of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo. Therefore, for Ohene Ntow to suggest that those suspended so far belong to the Kufour's faction within NPP hence the processes for their suspension being unfair, as though only Kufour's people in the party have been targeted, does not make any sense to me. Had Ohene Ntow for all this while that the suspended individuals been behaving irresponsibly, buried his head in the sand like an ostrich?

To bury your head in the sand means "to ignore or hide from obvious signs of danger. (Alludes to an ostrich, which is believed incorrectly to hide its head in a hole in the ground when it sees danger.) Or, "to refuse to think about an unpleasant situation, hoping that it will improve so that you will not have to deal with it"

Ohen Ntow has clearly knowingly or unconsciously informed Ghanaians and the whole world that it is those belonging to NPP from the Kufour's faction that are causing the devious problems in the party to cause her defeat to ensure the continuous sufferings of Ghanaians under President Mahama's NDC-led government.

Is it not said, "The truth will out" and "walls have ears?" Has Ohene Ntow today not revealed from where comes those causing intentional tensions in the party to cause her defeat in election 2016 while nurturing an Agenda 2020? I can't believe my eyes and ears reading and hearing Ohene Ntow make such statements.

Ohene Ntow goes on further to say, "The committee that met yesterday was not properly constituted, the disciplinary committee didn't have jurisdiction. I will continue to serve and act as the second vice chair of the party and if any extremist try to frustrate me in performing my duty, I shall take them on physically," he told Nii Arday Clegg Friday.

He can refuse to accept promotion to 1st Vice when asked to. He can continue to do his job as the 2nd Vice but let me warn him, if he decides to sabotage the party as did the suspended ones, I shall not hesitate to move for his suspension. We are not ready to tolerate any instances of few bad nuts spoiling or contaminating the lot.

Ghanaians are suffering. They need to be liberated from their shackles of slavery under the most unprecedentedly corrupt government in the annals of Ghana's politics hence we shall not tolerate any actions that have the potency to rather add to their burden from any saboteurs.
To Ohene Ntow who has exhibited ignorance and mischief by his expressed views, let him know that "in unity lies strength" and "in unity we stand but in division we fall". Why at all should there be two factions in NPP if we really meant to win power in 2016? Why should the people from the alleged Kufuor's faction cause needless problems with intent to causing the defeat of NPP in advance of even holding the 2016 elections?

If Ohene Ntow's assertions are anything to go by, then I shall entreat former President Kufour to whip his supporters into line to ensure victory for NPP come election 2016.

Rockson Addo
(Written on Friday, 11 December 2015