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Opinions of Thursday, 29 January 2015

Columnist: Addo, Maxwell Okamafo

NPPs insincerity to Prez Mahama is worse than a traitorâ??s hand.

By Maxwell Okamafo Addo

President John Dramani Mahama is a leader, not a ruler. This he has demonstrated by carrying his duties as a President of Ghana where ever he finds himself.

History will always give him a place of pride for his tireless efforts as he continues to enthrone democracy in Ghana. The insincerity of the opposition NPP to acknowledge and appreciate his good works, especially the area of unprecedented massive infrastructure development in the country, is worse than a traitor’s hand.

With their quasi-patriotism which is characterised and focused on misinforming Ghanaians, the NPP think, in doing so, they will deceive Ghanaians into believing the reasons for ganging-up against the President is borne out of their genuine intention to prosper Ghana. No!
Currently, all they want is to make sure that their leader, Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo, becomes the next President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana. So, they are trying all sorts of tactics to run down President John Dramani Mahama and his administration.
A leader should have people around him who would tell him reality not how wonderful he is. That is what is expected of a leader as we see today. President Mahama has admitted and, wherever he finds himself, he tells Ghanaians – either here in Ghana or abroad – the current economic situation, instead of lying to them.
As a is our responsibility as Ghanaians to stem this unwholesome trend and make deliberate efforts to debunk the misinformation and campaigns of calumny against the government as we are seeing the opposition Parties do in Ghana.
The opposition NPP claim to possess superlative skills in socio-political governance but consistently decide to turn politics into insults, leaving the arena for Ghanaian crooks and rascals.
For the records, President Mahama’s administration will go down in history as the most- working and focused administration this country has ever had.
As we see today, the opposition NPP is in the game of engaging in disruptive tendencies, fabrications and innuendoes to discredit the Mahama administration.
We know that the Mahama administration is being criticized, not because he is not working, but because there are individuals in opposition who have sworn to rubbish his administration by propagating falsehood about his person and administration.
Sadly enough, they are not getting their desired results. Especially in the rural and urban areas where massive infrastructure development is going on under the Better Ghana Agenda, Ghanaians have known the truth, and the truth shall return him back to the office after the 2016 presidential election.
As we are seeing today, President Mahama is a personality who cannot be moved by praise singers, hypocrites, charlatans and rumor mongers. But that has not stopped the opposition political cocks from taking to the streets, strutting around with selfish ideas for sale.
President Mahama’s opponents, the NPP, criticize him as if there is a reward for that at the end of every month. It was Mahatma Gandhi who said “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
From every available statistics and evidence, President Mahama has shown and proved himself fit to be returned to the office after the 2016 presidential election due to hard work and loyalty that he has shown to the people of Ghana.
However, his political distractors have refused to give him the credit, either because they hold grudges against him or are myopic in their reasoning. The President has demonstrated in an enviable manner how a country should be governed.
They are just political buccaneers with no clear vision or mission for the country. They are only interested in what they will garner from the public treasury while using coated vendetta and fake honesty as tools of playing to the gallery.
It was Malcolm X who said “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.”
President Mahama has consistently told Ghanaians that he belongs to a new generation of Ghanaian politicians poised to bring a positive change in the body of Ghana’s polity and has shown that all labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance, and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
Today, there has been improvement in the provision of social amenities like never before in this country. President Mahama is trying his best as we encounter constant power outages, but it’s getting a lot better. We are in a country where demand for electricity grows about 12 percent per annum; our roads are also becoming better. Our health system and educational system have improved massively,
Elections are becoming more free and fair, including testing election results in the Superior courts of our land. All these are realities that one can see and feel as a Ghanaian. Ghana continues to take her place in the comity of nations.
President Mahama has admirably shown he is equal to the task of securing the lives and prosperity of Ghanaians with the efficacy of his strides and flair in fighting against insecurity and making sure that Ghana continues to be a peaceful country and a beacon of hope better than what his predecessor’s left.
President Mahama is marching towards glory like late Osagyefo Dr Nkrumah and late President Mills his predecessors. The President also has shown he is a peace loving leader. He hates enmity in its entirety. An amiable President with lots of love in his bone marrow.
To his haters and antagonists, he has demonstrated by words and attitude that we are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained us, it must not break our bonds of affection as compatriots.
President Mahama has brought a wind of change to the political atmosphere of our nation. I would like to tell his distractors that the only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance of voting him in again come 2016 for the Better Ghana Agenda to continue, since his works speak volume and value.
President Mahama’s commitment in transforming this country remains unshaken despite the growing tendency of the opposition to misinform the public. He has consistently reiterated that he would always ensure that Ghanaian government offices are occupied by Ghanaian good men and women, Ghanaians who really love Ghana, so that leadership sagacity/vision would troop into Ghanaian politics. That is what has been done in all better democracies and politics.
Freedom of speech is unarguably an inalienable right of the people in many modern societies today, including Ghana, UK, and the USA, and should be constructive, not destructive, criticisms from the citizens, so that it would be part of the manure on which any nation is grown.
Impatient, ignorant, ill-motivated, unbalanced national criticism is one of the potent factors that have led to the short-sighted Ghanaian national politics and the opposition has never learned any lesson from the abysmal performance of their results in opposition.
It is understandable that many right-thinking Ghanaians would love to see their fatherland develop and grow as a nation, but not a pattern of sociopolitical criticisms made out of personal envy, out of ignorance, ethnicity, clannishness, and negative ulterior motives.
We should remember that we are the followers; the people are the base of the nation now and today, so we must be ready to mend our ways. Unless we are ready to change our individual character in truth and spirit for the better, we will not be able to correct the ills in the government tomorrow, and we will not get better political leaders.
Strong political institutions and effective security apparatuses cannot install themselves in any society; they cannot fall from heaven or from the skies; they need strong, good leaders for them to be installed in the society.
That is what we expect from President Mahama and we are seeing it visibly.
The overall essence, value of national criticism is to positively influence the actions and policies and not a pattern of social criticisms based on bandwagon, they-say, hear-say information or on mischievous, jingoistic foreign canards.
The opposition should always bear in mind that Ghana needs foreign investors in order to grow as a country and should therefore refrain from cutting the nose of the nation to spite its face, a behavior which is characteristic of the opposition complaining of corruption when they cannot point at a particular direction, continue with your good works President John Dramani Mahama.