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Opinions of Friday, 30 April 2021

Columnist: Goodnuff Appiah Larbi

NUGS delegates do not become ‘Political Esaus’

File photo: NUGS logo File photo: NUGS logo

May 3, 2021 has been slated for NUGS Presidential and Executives elections. Student leaders will be elected to govern the affairs of the National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS).

Some years ago, the National Union of Ghana Students hereinafter called NUGS was known as the only association that was seen as objective in addressing national issues but all of a sudden it sold its core value to partisan politics with politics functioning like white markings that separate boulevards on asphalt thoroughfare. The “NDC NUGS” and “NPP NUGS”.

In the New Testament, Esau’s option to sell his birthright is used as a criterion of ungodliness - a “godless” person who will put physical desires over spiritual blessings (Hebrews 12:15-17 ).

By his negative specimen, Esau teaches us to hold fast to what is crucial, even if it means renouncing the cravings of the flesh. Both Old and New Testaments use the story of Jacob and Esau to exemplify God’s calling and election. God chose the inexperienced Jacob to carry on the Abrahamic Covenant, while Esau was providentially outlawed from the Messianic line (Malachi 1:2-3; Romans 9:11-14 ).

None of us will be happy to nicknamed Esau?
Regardless, during elections, why should we certify our conscience to be auctioned for money and periodically partisan involvement?

The selling of franchises has evolve pestilence in varied tertiary establishments and it is very egregious and blatant for intellects to be seen in such situations.

Politicians will buy your commercial and saleable votes as they see you as a POLITICAL ESAU.

Posterity judges the same people who chastise such administrators for not performing after vote selling.

Never be naive delegate/electorate, be immaculately perfect to cast your franchise based on policies and operations, so you can demonstrate when it is needed to do so.
Auctioning your vote to a politician takes away your ethical privileges to query his or her actions.
Bartering your vote is moral mutiny and disloyalty, a deception of the desires and aspirations of the people of our various institutions.
A vote retailed is a destiny forsaken.

Students have become subjective, personal and prejudice in their assumptions, sentiment, and reasoning subjecting their students’ politics to the control of political parties.

The NUGS Constitution and other tertiary establishments Constitution drafted to govern students condemns such acts but continually, laws are excluded and honours is found in functioning unlawfully.

NUGS is recognized to battle the concern of all students in Ghana but because of partisan involvement, they occasionally ceased to function to address the challenges of the enthusiastic interest of students and sit aloof.

Representatives, choose the right leaders who can fight the interest of the unconditional students, not those who want to serve their parochial partisan interest.

May the best leaders be elected to change the status quo.