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Opinions of Thursday, 19 January 2012

Columnist: Nkansah, Derek Paanii Kwaku

Nana Addo & Bawumia, the Solution to Ghana’s economic and Financial mess

By: Derek Paanii Kwaku Nkansah

Happy New Year to you all and May this be a much better one than the last. Well, what a year 2011 had been, the NDC’s Action year fell very flat and all hell broke loose in the NDC camp. NDC through Woyome’s eye showed us what stuff they are made of. They were clear about it; we would give money to who we would give money to and no one can tell us what to do!

They’ve forgotten they were elected by the people! But before I continue, I’d like to wish the Attorney General well, because all these attack “hounds” are on his “tail” and I wonder how long it will be, before he’s asked “honourably” to retire, even when he’s not due. So long Martin, but before you do, please at least get us back some of that money, please. History will be kinder to you in that respect.

The last time I wrote about Nana Addo and Bawumia, Woyome’s issue was just starting, France still had triple A status and Ghanaians were none the better. Today, the story is worse, France has lost its Triple A status, Ghanaians are crying even more than ever for a new government. Anything but this. Now you tell me, how can we, please, how can we entrust the NDC with the economy and another 4 year term? Here is a President who thinks the payment was criminal yet will not support a public enquiry and instead takes cover behind EOCO? Worse he didn’t know about it.

Here is a President who tells Ghanaians to eschew insults but in his own house, there are insults being spewed to every Ghanaian who dares criticise them. He claims he hasn’t heard it or else he would have reined them in. He hasn’t! Here is a President who says he never authorised any payment, giving the impression that he didn’t know. Yet when he was told, he informed Ghanaians that he was not going after Woyome but after those who caused the debt. Now we know, there was no debt because Woyome had not contract. And this is something the President didn’t know clearly.

So what does this President know? Is he just joking or what?

I was right! I was right!! I was right !!!

Ghana’s economy has gotten worse and worse. The so-called Social democrats have lost it and the economy has borne the brunt of incompetence of governance. It leads their index of total failure. SADA – no show; oil receipts and transparency – no show; fighting corruption, no show, but worse, they are hiding behind EOCO. And now look; they are intimidating their own Attorney General, a man who has put his country above politics and they want him to resign! I could go on and on.

It is against this background that I make the case for the selection of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, again as the running mate of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo and the eventual Vice President of the Republic of Ghana in the forthcoming elections, God willing.

Some are still in the light of evidence arguing he brought nothing electorally to the table even when evidence abounds (§ion=1).

Bawumia has the pedigree, for such a time, a dire time as this. Our money is being given out like confetti and the president is telling us he doesn’t know. But then either he knew or didn’t, it does worse to his credibility. It makes him a liar or not in charge. Take your pick! His Vice is deafeningly silent. This is a classic case of “See no evil, hear no evil” by the two ( Mills and Mahama ).

Today, in just a little over 36 months, Ghanaians have realised that the NDC is all hot air , talks too much, has nothing to show for it, insults everyone, intimidates and worse, gets away with it. It has brought a new index to insults and will attack anyone who dares criticises them, even if you are one of their ilk. They hate the truth and have stopped listening to the people who brought them to power. Ghana is more corrupt today than it was in 2008. Everyone is crying. And yet this “do-nothing-party” which is so deaf wants a second term and tells us, this will be another action year.

They are giving Ghanaians a “Bitter Ghana Agenda” while they(NDC) enjoy the “Better Ghana Agenda” for the chosen few.

The economic gains chalked by His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor and highly praised by the NDC government in their 2009 letter to the IMF and the World Bank have all been reversed by this same NDC government through corruption, cover-ups, intimidation and insults.

Is this the government which will do something for Ghana? Forget it… Ghanaians want a government that will deliver and all eyes will be on the economy. There are no” ifs “or “buts”. If the economy improves, there will be a boom in Ghana and she will attract many businesses to the country in our lifetime and long after we are gone. It will mean more jobs for our teeming youth. It will mean real jobs, not the fabricated 1.6 million jobs which are yet to materialise under this NDC government.

It will mean a life away from crime. It will mean accountability and responsibility of the individual, and happiness in families. It will mean an end to the dangerous trips our youth take to other countries from Ghana.

But such a boom doesn’t come on a silver platter.

We[NPP] have had time to Reflect, Renew and Recapture and are now ever vibrant than before. In my humble opinion, Mahamudu Bawumia knows the ills of our economy. He can head a very enviable economic management team, he will know how to balance the books and he will be the greatest asset to the party at such a level for a great many years to come. He is doing something fantastic to the Zimbabwean economy so why not allow him to do same on home ground? Even the NDC are afraid of him and what he’s capable of and has started attacking him . Here is why;

1. He is a man of integrity; 2. He is excellently knowledgeable; 3. He is down to earth, a young man, approachable 4. He will deliver for Ghana and will make Ghana the African Economic Success story we so crave for.

This is the time to put Ghana above politics. With such a difficult economic scenario staring us in the face, Bawumia can help turn the economy around under the capable and able leadership of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo. He knows how, has written about it ( and with support, he can bring back the gains we had up to 2008 and add more to it. As the running mate and the eventual Vice President, he will bring a strong direction to the Economic and Financial management teams of which the Finance Ministry, the Bank of Ghana and other sectors of the economy.

On the strength of the aforementioned, I make a strong case for Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to be selected as Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo’s running mate and the eventual Vice President of the Republic of Ghana in the forthcoming 2012 elections, where victory will be ours.

God bless Ghana and Ghanaians, God bless the NPP and God bless Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo and Mahamadu Bawumia.

The Author is a member of the Ablekuma South Constituency and has written this in his personal capacity as a member of the New Patriotic Party who loves his nation Ghana.

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