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Opinions of Saturday, 26 March 2011

Columnist: Genfi, Brogya

Nana Addo To Get Less Than 16% Of Valid Votes


It looks very interesting when one listens to the infamous ‘all die be die’ statement from the NPP flag bearer for election 2012 and juxtaposing that with a careful and painstaking analysis of the election 2008 presidential results.

It becomes an eye opener for the opposition NPP to continue to play a tricky card that can fetch them votes in 2012. The NPP cannot survive election 2012 without ‘Akan votes’ and that’s a FACT!

Data from Ghana’s independent Electoral Commission (EC) indicates that NPP will lose about 70% of valid votes it had in 2008 when it goes into the next elections with the same candidate and similar strategy (all things being equal).

From the data I gathered on election 2008 results (run-off) from the EC, the total votes of Nana Akufo-Addo is 4,480,446 representing 49.77% of the total valid votes counted (9,001,478). Out of these votes, 3,068,905 came from Akan Regions alone (Western, Central, Ashanti, Eastern and Brong Ahafo) representing 34.10% of the total valid votes counted (9,001,478).

This analysis therefore exposes the fact that Nana Akufo-Addo was able to attract less than 16% (1,411,541) of the total valid votes counted (9,001,478) from non-Akan Regions (Greater Accra, Volta, Northern, Upper East, and Upper West). The figures provided easily confirms that Nana Akufo-Addo is not attractive at all to non-Akan Regions as the votes he marshaled in only Ashanti Region (1,438,820) is far greater than that of the five (5) non-Akan Regions put together (1,411,541).

It is however intriguing to note that Nana Addo’s ‘Akan votes’ (3,068,905) represents about 70% of the total votes he garnered (4,480,446) in election 2008.

The NDC on the other hand floats throughout the country with an even representation. Out of the 4,521,032 votes it had throughout the country and representing 50.23% of the total valid votes counted (9,001,478), 2,077,174 came from Akan Regions and represents 23.10% of the total valid votes counted (9,001,478). Whiles only 2,443,858 are the votes won by the NDC in the non-Akan Regions and it represents 27.13% of the total valid votes counted (9,001,478).

From the analysis produced, misanthropists are crushed from accusing the NDC of an ethnocentric strength. This is simply because out of the total votes marshaled by the NDC to win election 2008 (4,521,032), about 47% (2,077,174) came from the Akan Regions and the remaining 53% (2,443,858) from non-Akan Regions.

After coming to terms with the reality that he is unpopular within the non-Akan set-up of this country, Nana Addo has resorted to bad counsel and write-ups from the likes of Dr. Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr. who have forgotten about their manners whiles chasing titles and accolades. In one of his numerous coarse write-ups titled “Is the NPP Really an “Akans-Only” Parade?” and published as a feature article of Monday, 30 August 2010 on ghanaweb, Okoampa-Ahoofe states: “In reality, the NDC is and has always been a thoroughgoing Ewe-dominated terrorist organization that over the past three decades, and in its various disguises as the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC), Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) and now National Democratic Congress (NDC), has nonchalantly caused the summary execution of Akan Supreme Court judges and other diligent citizens whose apparently sole crime was having been born Akan”. These individuals including Dr. Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr. who are supposed to be change managers in changing the bad structures and systems that produced Nana Addo in 2008 does not even know anything about modern management tools and have stuck in their old enclave and writing trash in the Ghanaian media. Dr. Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr. and his colleagues are probably confused as to which strategy to adopt for 2012 since Ghanaians have general accepted that 2012 is not a ‘change election year’

Ghanaians should realize that Nana Akufo-Addo meant whatever he said at Koforidua when he referred to his party members as Akans and charged them to assert themselves on the non-Akans.

Nana Addo is aware that he risks ending his political career after losing election 2012 and completely forgetting about his childhood dream of becoming a president like his father since age 8. And this is the main reason why he wants to whip-up the Akan votes without having the interest of our dear nation at heart. If not, why will a man who is known for his Believes In Ghana (BIG) call on Akans to die because he wants to explore his final opportunity in politics?

My dear Akan brethrens should be wide awake about people who create the impression that NPP belong to Akans and so we should die for NPP. The various sects within the Akan set-up have one thing in common; our chiefs lead us into war and so if any individual wants to send us into war, he should inform Nananom about such a negative idea.

Did I hear Hon. Kan Dapaa (NPP MP for Afigya Sekyere West) say on the floor of parliament that “over the years, acrimony between Akans and Ewes had been swept under the carpet but if we do not resolve it now it could break up the country”? Is it because the Founder of the NDC H.E. Jerry John Rawlings is from the Volta Region?

If Hon. Kan Dapaa’s statement is not one of the grand schemes designed to win more votes for Nana Addo, then I beg of him to come out with the details.

Ewes consist of various tribes including the Anlos, Tongus, Bators, Wedomes whiles Akans consist of tribes including the Ashantis (my tribe), Akyems (Nana Addo’s tribe), Brongs, Ahafos, Fantes, Sefwis, Kwahus, Akuapems, Assins, etc. All the tribes within the Ewe ethnic group are concentrated in only one Region (Volta Region) whiles the various tribes within the Akan ethnic group are mostly found in five Regions (Ashanti Region, Brong Ahafo Region, Central Region, Western Region and Eastern Region). How on earth can a member of the August House imagine that the totality of a people within only one Region have an acrimony with the totality of a people in five Regions? Aha ba!!!! Hon. Kan Dapaa, we of the various regions you intend to knock heads for votes demand the details. Kindly treat as urgent.

The ruling NDC is also cautioned to remain resolute and come to terms with the fact that the security and structures of this country have been vested in their care, therefore, the people of this country will never forgive them should only one person whose stature is not even startling thrive in plunging the Nation into chaos.

The President is however commended for putting our security agencies on ‘red alert’ to be able to curb any such situation.

The NDC as a political party should again call for their elections 2008 memories and realize that the person who master-minded the atrocities and multiple voting in Ashanti Region is now in-charge at the NPP headquarters. That ‘cocoa ase’ man is generally noted for conjuring ghosts from their graves to come and vote on Election Day.

By Nana Addo’s words, the NPP will remain in the vicissitude of time as an ‘Akan party’. Probably, another ‘gentle giant’ will have to be produced to wrestle power in several years to come.

“Ghana will not die; Ghana will live to proclaim the glory of God”. President Mills.

Long Live Ghana.




[email protected]; +233 249582140
