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Opinions of Thursday, 26 July 2012

Columnist: Asamoah, Barbara

Nana Akoffo -Addo has nothing to offer

Lawyer Barbara Asamoah declares

As countdown days get closer to most ever crucial Ghana’s elections, it’s rather pathetic to note that, culture of political insults and the use of impolite utterances by radio callers on political talk shows have become common practices amongst the nation’s political activists especially, the opposition NPP activists across Europe and beyond.

Uncontrollable commotion sparked off between ruling NDC and opposition NPP over the weekend during political discussions “NDC Hour” on Sankofa Radio program in Stuttgart-Germany.

The special Guest was Lawyer Barbara Asamoah – (NDC deputy national youth organizer) who minced no words to state that, opposition NPP Flag bearer Nana Akuffo-Addo has no clear message to convince Ghanaians and that, he stands the chance of losing drastically come December 2012 general elections.

“Wherever Nana Addo stands, he makes noise about BIG VISION but has never been able to outline what he actually means. This is irresponsible and loose political talks. Nana Addo has nothing to offer!!” Lawyer Barbara declared.

“When we talk about Big Visions, we mean and exhibit good roads, hospitals with modernized equipments, eastern corridor roads are under construction to provide easy access to travelers to link the northern part of Ghana as well as Burkina Faso, Mali etc, we’re yet to re-introduce rail transport from western region through Kumasi and tracked to Accra to reduce tensions on our roads. These are visionary projects and achievements”

“The former foreigner Minister and attorney general now opposition NPP “King Kong” Nana Akuffo Addo has never been able to spelled out in a clear and simple language what he intends to offer when per chance he’s voted to power”

This message did not go well with opposition NPP activists and supporters across and instead resorted calling the radio station to inflict verbal attacks and direct condemnation to Lawyer Barbara as well as the program organizers – NDC Germany communication team led by Karim Abilla.

“The NDC followers are all corrupt. The government uses the tax payer’s money to recruit them (drop-outs) all over to propagate lies. They are on special payroll lists. Some are contracted serial callers to defend NDC” the NPP activists alleged.

Asked to comment on unemployment, Madam Asamoah swiftly reinstated “40% of Ghanaian populations are unskilled and therefore it’s the duty of the NDC government to put in place vocational intuitions to train the youth. More than 30,000 people have successfully completed the training and have been deployed to various sectors.” “Rome was not built in a day. A journey of 1000 miles starts from somewhere. Even United States is not a paradise, likewise Germany. There are economic crisis all over the world, however God being on our side Ghana has been able to sustain”

Other important bordering questions discussed over the radio program included, one –time health insurance premium; position on (SHS) senior High Schools; Supreme Court verdict to remove taxes on petroleum products; as well as the nation’s crude oil productions. On the position of crude oil production, Auntie Barbara briefed the listeners that, Ghana’s oil field was initially explored by NDC 1 (GNPC-Tsikata &Co.) but simultaneously NPP erstwhile government discovered it in commercial quantities but actually they never implemented anything to enhance its production. It was therefore the NDC (2) under President Atta Mills who did the infrastructures to effect full operation. The Ghana National Gas Company has been set up to build and operate infrastructure required for processing natural Gas in the country.

To end her message, Lawyer Barbara Asamoah urged all Ghanaians home and abroad to critically judge and evaluate the good works of Prof. John Evans Atta –Mills and vote massively for NDC to retain power come December 2012 general elections. Report by: Mensah Dekportor (Hamburg) [email protected] Tel +49 1759861348