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Opinions of Saturday, 16 October 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Nana Darkwah is Acquitted - Did Rawlings Set Fire to his own House?

It will be recalled that Former President Rawlings' official residence suffered fire
outbreak on the night of 14th February 2010. Nana Darkwah did not hesitate to go on
air to express his views on the possible cause, and the motive of the perpetrator
behind the conflagration that gutted the Rawlings' house. He alleged that Rawlings
could well have set the fire to his own house. No sooner had he opined as indicated
than NDC macho man Kofi Adams stormed the FM Radio station's studio to have him
handcuffed and dragged to the Accra Regional Police Headquarters.

He was charged by the police for causing harm and spreading fear in public. He was
arraigned before a Circuit Court judge and remanded. His arrest was seen by
discerning Ghanaians as an affront on their intelligence much as the charge levelled
against him was preposterous.

The lawless NDC foot-soldiers flexed their muscles in support of their tin god,
Rawlings; to ensure Nana Darkwah was punished despite the shallowness of the
incongruent charge brought against him. Instead of Rawlings instituting a civil case
against him, (which he had desired not to) the State rather took it upon itself to
prosecute Nana Darkwah. The State brought a criminal charge of "causing harm and
spreading panic in public", against him and incessantly put him before the court.
This is the highest abuse of office among the umpteen ways the President Mills' NDC
government has exhibited its tendency for committing acts of lawlessness against the
Ghanaian populace with impunity. This charge as stupid and unrelated in this case
as it is, became a teasing bane of the Ghana police.

In the end, the senselessness of the charge was divulged in the trial judge's
summation when he was discharging Nana Darkwah on 13th October 2010. Nana Darkwah
has been acquitted much as all intelligent people anticipated. The folly of the
politicized Ghana police who are trigger happy to seize the NDC rivals just to make
their masters happy is all too clear even the blind to see.

The unprofessionalism of the Ghana police knows no boundaries. Just as the Court
acquitted Nana Darkwah, a Zombie was at the Court's exit door waiting to re-arrest
him, claiming to be acting on orders from above. Who is or are those faceless lots
above who keep on manipulating the Ghana police? They must be cowards if they found
it hard enough to emerge from their hideouts for all to see who they actually are.
The Ghana police as well as their current lawless NDC government are totally
clueless about the laws of the land. Out of ignorance, they underestimate the powers
of the judiciary. That policeman, whoever he was, could easily be arrested for
acting in contempt of court. Whoever is above that sent him could appeal against the
ruling if they were not satisfied. It has nothing to do with physically re-arresting
Nana Darkwah as was done by that stony-faced Kofi Adams. The ignorance of the NDC
and the Ghana police will slap them in the face sooner.

All Kumawu citizens the world over are enthused over the acquittal of Nana Darkwah.
I personally applaud all those who worked tirelessly to ensure he regained his
liberty from the insanity of the NDC and the Ghana police. Nana Darkwah the HERO is
free and free forever!

Rockson Adofo