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Opinions of Friday, 10 April 2020

Columnist: Abdul Rashid Issah

National Cathedral ,unfair,inopportune and greatly mislay

National Cathedral National Cathedral

An idea even a wrong idea which is held fervently by a greater number of people is the strongest false in the world. Our personal interest shouldn't overweigh the interest of the majority, the construction of the national cathedral in its current location is a waste of the state resources and unfair, it's undeniable fact that it is a poor decision taken to construct the national cathedral at its current site.

Because it's a state resource, must you misuse it? It's mind-boggling in regard to the kind of authorities our government is having, couldn't any of the authorities consider the cost involve leveling the current location for the cathedral, then the cost in constructing the cathedral, the cost of the judges moving into a rented apartment and the cost of putting up new buildings for them in awaiting.? Let's think twice about this decision.

It cannot be the case that while considering the site for the National cathedral only the ridge location came up. The area is already occupied, a lot of building all over, and yet because of our own personal interest we chose to choose that site, after all, it is for government, and so what? Why should we be wasting the state resources for our own personal interest, a nation is above an individual, in so doing, let us sometimes consider the collective opinion of its citizens.

Let us not forget, the resources misusing doesn't just flee into the government coffers, but it comes out of the sweat of its citizens. We claim to be fighting for progress, how will we be able to achieve this with such an ill mentality? truth to be told, we cannot be self-sufficient with such a mindset.

I believed vehemently that, the nation's capital is not the only place we want all progressive activities to be base, why not given the chance to other regions or other deprived areas in the nation's capital to also experience a bit of progress.

Until we fail to comprehend what a cathedral is. Do we really consider the consequences of the cathedral being putting up in an already flourished vicinity!?

Let us not be narrow-minded, we want the collective progress of the whole nation, but not only it's capital. Authorities could have been smart to note that, sending the cathedral to other deprived areas in the nation will have a greater impact on the progress of such areas.

However, the national cathedral could be rebranded as a national worship center or we should call it a convention center, which if this happens would include other religious bodies instead of an exclusive Christian affair.