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Opinions of Monday, 31 October 2016

Columnist: Millar, David

National Security must stop dirty attacks on politicians

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By David Millar

Press Statement

The Movement for Democracy and National Unity ,The Forum for Truth and Social Justice, United Cadres Front and The Socialist Forum is calling on all the National Security Agencies to stop the planning and carrying operations and attacks on politicians by sabotaging them at home and trailing them abroad, and using security personnel to harass them before, during and after the elections.

Ghana needs peace and unity before during and after the 2016 elections .We cannot understand why our National Security Agencies want to be engaging in acts that are like to undermine our democratic credentials and undermine the state.

Credible information to us show that Mr Baba Kamara, the National Security Co-ordinator, Mr Pius Awelinga, Director the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) and Mr J.C. Ackon, Head of the External Research Department which is Ghana’s foreign intelligence agency, are secretly travelling around the world mobilising military equipment, holding secret meetings with defence attaches’ and information counsellors at Ghanaian Embassies to support a dirty tricks campaign against leading politicians.

We have sighted documents that show They have been instructed to investigate the business and political links of Dr Papa Kwasi Nduom, the leader of the Progressive Peoples Party, Mr Martin Amidu, a leading member of the NDC ,Mr Sylvester Mensah ,Campaign Coordinator of the Greater Accra Campaign Committee of the NDC and Dr Ekow Spio Garbrah Minister of Trade and Industry.

Another document titled restricted and confidential signed by Mr JC Ackon in particular authorises embassy personnel to infiltrate the political overseas branches of the opposition CPP ,NPP and PPP.

There has been of late a concerted effort to undermine the credibility of opposition leader Nana Akufo Addo , Dr Mahamadu Bawumia, Former Presidents Kufuor and Former President Rawlings using all kinds of surrogate groups and clandestine operations. This will not augur well for the peace and security of the nation.

Currently these Security Capos, who have already secretly visited the USA and Canada, are in the UK holding meetings with security officials with a high profile meeting scheduled for Tuesday to discuss ways and means to undermine and discredit persons considered a threat to President Mahama and launch attacks.

We believe that our Security capos have no need to be engaging in such subversive acts and we wonder why they will be prepared to risk the peace of the nation. Already we are hearing some members of the armed forces and the security agencies are not very happy about these travels.

We call on Parliament, the National Council of State and the National Peace Council to sit up and call these security capos to order .This is not a time for our Security Agencies to be working in anybody’s individual interest. They must put Ghana’s interests first, stop their clandestine activities abroad and return home and work to ensure we have peaceful elections.
Ghana‘s peace and security is not a football to be kicked about!


Professor David Millar-Movement for Democracy and National Unity
Dr David Percy, -Movement for Democracy and National Unity
Dr Alhassan Adamu. –Movement for Democracy and National Unity
Abdul Osamu Issa –United Cadres Front
Mr Shine Gaveh-United Cadres Front
Efanam Felix Nyaku-United Cadres Front
Dr Jones Kwabena Afari-The Socialist Forum
Bright Adzovi Tamakloe- The Socialist Forum
Annette Ghansah-The Socialist Forum