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Opinions of Monday, 15 November 2010

Columnist: Lamptey, Alfred

National Service Is Not Enough ...


Students are patriotic and are dedicated to the
development of the country, but they can not only rely on national service as
an assurance of building a life. After national service most students wonder
without work or job to earn a living, this problem of the tertiary graduates
not getting gainful jobs retard the
development in the country because most the human resource are not utilized.
of a country mostly counts on the elite and also the grassroots. The government
of the country must make sure that there are institutions that will allow
students to utilize their human resource even if they are not fully employed
after national service.

One way to help national service personnel is to
make sure that those personnel that performed greatly during their service are
at least employed in their required sectors if there are vacancies. This can
only be ensured by both the private and the public organizations. The private
sector should also increase the employment of tertiary graduates so that the
potential in the graduates will be utilized.

Another way that the government can use in helping
the tertiary graduates is by recommending any potential student to available
organizations; these organizations can be either private or public. Most
students complete their national service successfully but because there no
vacancies in that particular organization they keep searching till they become
weary. There most graduates in the country who are not employed all because of
the unwillingness of most organizations to employ them. If the government is
able to give them recommendation letters. There will be a considerable decrease
in the number of unemployed tertiary graduates. The government can do this
through interconnection with the organizations where the graduates offered
their national service.

National service personnel who are posted to the
rural areas are supposed to be treated well by the government and other
institutions involved so that their stay at that particular regions or areas
will be comfortable. If the national service personnel do not get jobs after
their service does not mean that there no jobs available but the government do
not care about them anymore after the national service. The government
therefore is selfish, seeking for its own interest without considering that of
the tertiary graduates.

What the government must know is that not all
tertiary want to start with a white collar jobs some are even willing to enter
into the educational sector as teachers and so on. What people must know is
that this is a national matter and therefore should treated as such, this
problem of graduates unemployment has been since time immemorial.

The government and the private organizations should
please the initiative of employing tertiary in order to improve upon our
national resources and increase development in the country.

Lamptey Alfred


[email protected]