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Opinions of Sunday, 9 August 2020

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

National disgrace on Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua Senior High School

Tweneboa Kodua Senior High School Tweneboa Kodua Senior High School

The current final year students of my alma mater, Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School, now Tweneboa Kodua Senior High School, have brought a national shame not only upon themselves and their families, but on almost all the former students of the school.

Their disgraceful conduct may prevent me from holding my head up as a former student of the school. I am awash in shame by their misbehaviour never seen displayed in any school in Ghana before.

Students of schools seldom go on demonstrations spoiling the properties of their school, however, for reasons other than the most stupid reason for which the students of Tweneboa Kodua SHS embarked on their ridiculous rampaging that has become the topic of nationwide mockery slurring the integrity of the school.

How do serious students in their right senses go on destructive demonstration for the fact they are obstructed from cheating at their final school year national examinations? Are they not ashamed of themselves to have behaved so irresponsibly?

Under School (Senior) Prefects Duffour from 1971 – 1972 (deceased); Gyasi from 1972 -1973, Pianim from 1973 – 1974; Akoloo from 1974 - 1975 and Sekyere Marfo from 1975 – 1976, such a thing never happened, although we went on demonstration under Akoloo for a reason.

It had nothing to do with examination but the autocratic attitude by then Headmaster Mr Bang (Bank) that impacted badly on the teaching staff, culminating in their animus collision.

Even with what we did where no properties were destroyed, the school was still closed down for two weeks with all students sent home, by the late executed Air Marshal Amedome of the late executed General I. K. Acheampong's Supreme Military Council (SMC) government.

During that demonstration, we never even insulted the person of headmaster. Why then should the current bad nuts in the school, ungrateful final year students, have that audacity to repay the kindness of His Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and his NPP government, in that bad coin? The type of free SHS education he is giving to Ghanaians is never seen in operation anywhere in the world, not even in the richest western economies.

You have everything from boarding and lodging, clothing and essentials like electricity and water consumption free of charge yet, you don't appreciate.

Anyway, the public condemnation you have incurred is more than enough to warrant any further reprimand by me. After your reprehensible behaviour, you have shown remorse so that should be accepted and I hope you, and the students behind you in the lower classes, will never again repeat that condemnable attitude.

It is said, "You do not know the value of what you have until it's gone". Until you lose the free SHS, you will not value the great kindness and the determination by visionary leader Nana Akufo-Addo to let you have a share of the petroleum proceeds through the offer of the free SHS education you are enjoying today. The chance he has given you today is the key to your successful life in future.

My shame is compounded by seeing the students of Kumasi Prempeh College being thankful to God for the free SHS they are enjoying and their ability to sit for the exams while those of my alma mater are ungratefully on rampage insulting the intelligence of the initiators and supporters of the free SHS education.

Anyway, I thank the Ghana Education Service for their speedy measures instituted to forestall further misbehaviour by the ungrateful students, a blemish on the image of their parents.

On behalf of the entire student population of Tweneboa Kodua Senior High School, and their parents and staff, I appeal to the President, his government and all Ghanaians to pardon the students by accepting their remorseful plea for mercy.

By their attitude, they have brought shame upon Kumawuman, my place of birth. Whatever the situation is, they are forgiven as long as they have realised their mistake and will never do that again.