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Opinions of Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Columnist: Eric Jerry Aidoo

Navigating economic hardships: The intersection of youth, politics, and employment in Ghana

The author Eric Jerry Aidoo is the Greater Accra Youth Organiser of the Convention People's Party The author Eric Jerry Aidoo is the Greater Accra Youth Organiser of the Convention People's Party

In recent years, Ghana has witnessed a growing trend among its youth – a surge in participation in various forms of gambling, including sports betting. Many attribute this shift to the economic challenges faced by young Ghanaians, often pointing fingers at the two major political players, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC). The narrative is that the lack of sufficient employment opportunities has driven the youth towards seeking quick gains through betting.

Eric Jerry Aidoo, popularly known as Chairman Jerry and serving as the Greater Accra Youth Organiser of the Convention People's Party (CPP), has emerged as a vocal critic of this trend. Chairman Jerry asserts that the economic hardship and unemployment prevailing in Ghana are direct consequences of the policies pursued by the NPP and NDC. He calls for a shift in political allegiance, urging Ghanaians to consider the Convention People's Party as a viable alternative.

Chairman Jerry's plea is rooted in the historical perspective of the CPP, particularly emphasizing the legacy of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. According to Jerry, the CPP, under Nkrumah's leadership, has a track record of fostering employment through strategic industrialization. By harking back to this era, he aims to draw attention to a time when the youth found economic opportunities beyond the realm of betting.

The call for support for the CPP raises pertinent questions about the role of political choices in shaping the economic landscape for the youth. Is the rise in gambling activities truly a consequence of inadequate job opportunities, and can a shift in political leadership address these challenges effectively?

Critics argue that attributing the rise in gambling solely to political parties oversimplifies a complex issue. Economic hardships are influenced by a myriad of factors, including global economic trends, local policies, and technological advancements. While political decisions undoubtedly play a role, a comprehensive approach is needed to address the multifaceted nature of youth unemployment.

It is crucial for Ghanaians to critically examine the policies proposed by each political party, weighing their potential impact on job creation and economic development. The challenge lies in finding a balanced approach that not only addresses immediate concerns but also lays the groundwork for sustained growth and opportunities for the youth.

As the political landscape in Ghana evolves, citizens are faced with decisions that extend beyond party affiliations. Chairman Jerry's plea for a reevaluation of political choices highlights the urgency of addressing youth unemployment. Whether the CPP can offer a viable solution remains to be seen, but the discourse sparked by such conversations is essential for shaping a future where the youth can thrive without resorting to high-stakes gambles for economic survival.