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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Columnist: Robert, Ali Tanti

New Edubiase needs attention now!!

Life in the administrative capital of the Adansi South District, New Edubiase is becoming excruciating considering the fact that sensitive social amenities are difficult to come by.

For the over four years that I have stayed in this town, I have not come across any public urinal not even at the market and the only transport station. It is very common to see people urinating in the open almost at every place during the day. A check at the local office of the GPRTU revealed that several complains have been sent to the District Assembly on building a urinal at the transport station but it appears nobody is ready to come to our rescue. Compounding the situation is the awful nature of road networks in the town with some of them becoming a death trap. The stretch from the Methodist school junction to Holiday Inn area is typical example especially when it rains. In addition, the stretch from the Methodist Church through the Community center to the main transport station is full of pot holes and needs urgent attention.

Let me also add that many of the young people in Edubiase are patiently waiting for the playing field which was promised them by the current administration during the campaign season last year. I am therefore appealing to authorities and opinion leaders in the town to quickly do something about the issues I have raised above to make life a bit comfortable for us as citizens.

Whilst I commend authorities for trying to solve the numerous challenges confronting the district, I also think they should put in more effort and address pertinent issues outlined since the district is fast growing.



NEW EDUBIASE [email protected]