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Opinions of Thursday, 24 February 2022

Columnist: Abdul Rahman Odoi

Nkrumah never dies

Kwame Nkrumah, First President of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah, First President of Ghana

The world hates good people
Nkrumah once had the ‘word’
The Christ sent to save Ghanaians
From the shackles of soul slavery
From the meningitis of imperialists

But neo-colonialists were way stronger
Their son, National Liberation Council (NLC)
They dropped a menhir on Nkrumah and ran
While he was inflating peace into the world
The irony that ironed out the (NLC’s) hospitality
They thus inflated a big lie against the economy
That Nkrumah's regime requires immediate fixing

By their fixing, (NLC) rather crucified Ghana
They turned the economy upside down
Nothing worked and nothing wrought
State institutions went into prostitution
A farrago of foreign policies ‘sexed’ them

The coup was a curse crashing the citizenry
But the (NLC) was cruising cannily in disguise
Citizens would later shed tears about Nkrumah
Reminiscing the days of the industrial revolution
Even so, Ghana has lost its bearing till date
But dwells on Nkrumah’s sagged breast for milk
This is why we do say: ‘Nkrumah never dies’